
Beliefs about God

Sikhs have many words to describe God. The name most widely used for God by Sikhs is , which means 'wondrous enlightener'. Sikhs believe that there is only one God, who created everything. They believe that Waheguru must remain in the mind at all times. Sikhism is a way of life, and so Sikhs鈥 beliefs reflect their actions on a daily basis and bring them closer to Waheguru.

Sikhs describe God in various ways, including:

  • Sat Nam - True Name
  • Ik Onkar - There Is Only One God
  • Akal Purkh - Eternal Being

Sikhs believe that Waheguru is:

  • The creator - The act of creating everything was God鈥檚 will ().
  • Ineffable - Waheguru鈥檚 essence cannot be adequately described in words.
  • Genderless - Waheguru is neither male nor female.
  • Self-revealing and necessary (does not need a creator) - Waheguru is Sargun, which means or within the world, and therefore able to have a personal relationship with creation. At the same time, Waheguru is Nirgun, which means or beyond creation, and therefore unaffected by the world.
  • Eternal - Waheguru is outside time and space and beyond the cycle of birth and death.
  • Present in all creation in the form of the - This is the part of Waheguru that is within all beings. It is the soul of a being.
  • Revealed by the grace of the Guru - This is the belief that Waheguru can be known through understanding and learning what each of the contributed to Sikhism.
  • Knowable to all - Waheguru is knowable to anyone who dedicates his or her life to learning and understanding God.
God is beyond colour and form, yet His presence is clearly visible.
Guru Granth Sahib 74

Sikhs believe that only Waheguru must be worshipped. It is forbidden to worship any images of Waheguru, however, images of the Ten Gurus can be found in .

The Mool Mantra

Sikhs believe that Waheguru's nature is expressed in the .

Figure caption,
The Ik Onkar symbol is seen in many gurdwaras and Sikh homes to help focus Sikhs when praying and meditating

The Mool Mantra is the Sikh statement of belief. It is the basis of the whole of Sikhism and contains the key beliefs about Waheguru. The Mool Mantra is the most important composition in Sikhism, which is reflected in the fact that it is the opening lines of the . Sikhs believe that the Guru Granth Sahib is the word of Waheguru and so it is .

The first line of the Mool Mantra is 鈥Ik Onkar鈥. This symbolises the importance of the belief in the oneness of God and the oneness of humanity (the belief that everyone is equal). This symbol is seen in gurdwaras and Sikh homes to highlight the fact that this is the most important belief and that it should always be in the mind of Sikhs. The symbol helps Sikhs to focus on Waheguru when praying and meditating.

The Mool Mantra is part of Sikhs鈥 daily prayer. It is taught to young Sikh children and forms the basis of Sikh belief.

The Mool Mantra is:

There is only one GodIk Onkar
The name is truthSatnam
He is the creatorKarta Purakh
No fearNirhau
No hatredNirvair
Immortal without formAkaal Moorat
Beyond birth and deathAjooni
By the Guru鈥檚 graceGur Prasad
There is only one God
Ik Onkar
The name is truth
He is the creator
Karta Purakh
No fear
No hatred
Immortal without form
Akaal Moorat
Beyond birth and death
By the Guru鈥檚 grace
Gur Prasad