
Exam practice

  • GCSE Physics: exam-style quiz by topic

    Try this quiz based on GCSE Physics past papers. Choose the topic you would like to revise and answer the questions.

  • GCSE Physics: exam-style questions

    Use our interactive tests to understand how the Edexcel foundation and higher physics GCSE exams work. Revise topics such as forces and learn equations and formulae.

  • GCSE Physics: quick-fire questions

    Free quiz to help you revise for your Edexcel foundation and higher GCSE exams, based on GCSE physics past papers. Revise formulae, equations and more.


  • Quiz: Change in energy stores

    This interactive quiz is aimed at GCSE physics students studying types of energy store, energy transfers, energy dissipation, the conservation of energy and energy calculations.

  • Quiz: Energy demands

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying energy and heating, thermal conductivity, investigating methods of insulation and specific heat capacity.

  • Quiz: Moments, levers and gears

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying moments, moments and balanced objects, levers and gears.

  • Quiz: Contact and non-contact forces

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying contact forces and non-contact forces.

  • Quiz: Forces and elasticity

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying change of shape, Hooke's law, energy stored in a spring and how forces affect the extension of a spring.

  • Quiz: Describing motion

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying motion in a straight line, velocity and acceleration, distance-time graphs, velocity-time graphs and velocity.

  • Quiz: Pressure in fluids

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying calculating pressure, pressure in a liquid and atmospheric pressure.

  • Quiz: Momentum - Higher

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying momentum calculations, conservation of momentum and force and momentum.

  • Quiz: Properties of waves

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying types of waves, wave period and speed, speed of sound in air and measuring waves in a ripple tank.

  • Quiz: Reflection and refraction

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying reflection of waves and refraction of waves.

  • Quiz: Sound waves

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying sound waves, ultrasound and seismic waves.

  • Quiz: Electric circuits

    This interactive is suitable for GCSE physics students studying electrical circuit symbols, electrical charge and current, potential difference, resistance and voltage graphs.

  • Quiz: Electric circuits 2

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying series and parallel circuits, resistor networks and energy and power in electric circuits.

  • Quiz: Static electricity

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying electrical charges, charging by friction and electric fields.

  • Quiz: Radioactive decay

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying stable nuclei, nuclear radiation, half life and nuclear equations.

  • Quiz: Nuclear fission and fusion

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying nuclear fission, fission reactors and nuclear fusion.

  • Quiz: Uses and dangers of radiation

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying irradiation, contamination, the effects of radiation on the human body and background radiation.

  • Quiz: Atoms isotopes and ions

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying structure of the atom, atoms and isotopes and ions.

  • Quiz: Temperature changes and energy

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying states of matter, internal energy, energy and temperature, specific heat capacity and specific latent heat.

  • Quiz: Density of materials

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying density, volume and investigating density.

  • Quiz: Particles in gases

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying particle motion, gas pressure and temperature, gas pressure and volume and changing gas pressure - Higher.

  • Quiz: Scientific skills

    This interactive quiz is suitable for GCSE physics students studying planning, observing, analysing, evaluating an experiment and scientific equipment.


  • Forces

    Learn all about forces for your GCSE physics exams, with scientists James Stewart and Ellie Hurer.

  • Electricity

    Scientists James Stewart and Ellie Hurer guide you through the key facts about electricity for GCSE physics.

  • Energy

    Learn all about energy for your GCSE physics exam, with Ellie Hurer and James Stewart.

  • Science exam techniques

    Learn all about science exam techniques for your GCSE science exams with Dr Alex Lathbridge.

Key concepts of physics

  • Key concepts in physics - Edexcel

    Scientists often make measurements. These need to be stated with the units of the quantity being measured, and the accuracy of the measurements.

Motion and forces

  • Scalar and vector quantities - Edexcel

    Scientists often make measurements. The physical quantities they measure fall into two categories: scalars and vectors. Scalar and vector quantities are treated differently in calculations.

  • Motion - Edexcel

    The movement of objects can be described using motion graphs and numerical values. These are both used to help in the design of faster and more efficient vehicles.

  • Newton's laws - Edexcel

    Resultant forces will cause acceleration, which can be described and calculated using Newton's laws of motion. Weight is caused by the gravitational effect of a planet attracting an object鈥檚 mass.

  • Momentum - Higher - Edexcel

    Momentum can be thought of as a combination of mass and velocity. Momentum helps explain some of the most important interactions in nature.

  • Motion of vehicles - Edexcel

    Stopping vehicles as quickly as possible in an emergency is important but many factors affect this. The driver鈥檚 reactions and the road and vehicle conditions play a part, as well as mass and speed.

  • Sample exam questions - motions and forces - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Conservation of energy

  • Changes in energy - Edexcel

    The amount of energy in a system can be changed. It cannot be created or destroyed but it can be transferred, dissipated or stored in different ways.

  • Efficiency - Edexcel

    Energy efficiency measures the proportion of energy which is wasted. The rate at which energy is wasted needs to be reduced and there are a number of ways to save energy, especially thermal energy.

  • Energy sources - Edexcel

    Every person, animal and device transfers energy. Much of the energy that is supplied by electricity must be generated from other energy stores - some are renewable but most are non-renewable.

  • Sample exam questions - conservation of energy - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps to boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, structured, using mathematical skills and extended writing.


  • Properties of waves - Edexcel

    Waves are one way in which energy may be transferred between stores. Both mechanical and electromagnetic waves will transfer energy but not matter.

  • Reflection and refraction - Edexcel

    All waves will reflect and refract in the right circumstances. The differences in transmission and absorption at material boundaries depend on the materials.

  • Sound and ultrasound - Edexcel

    Sound is caused by the vibration of particles, but not all vibrations can be heard as sound. Common ideas about sound come from the limited range of vibrations that human ears can detect.

  • Sample exam questions - waves - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Light and the EM spectrum

  • Light waves - Edexcel

    All waves will reflect and refract in the right circumstances. The reflection and refraction of light explains how people see images, colour and even optical illusions.

  • Lenses - Edexcel

    Lenses are precisely shaped pieces of glass that have been developed and used in corrective glasses, telescopes, microscopes, binoculars, and magnifying glasses.

  • Electromagnetic waves - Edexcel

    Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves with a wide range of properties and uses. All objects are continually absorbing and emitting infrared radiation, affecting their temperatures.

  • Sample exam questions - light and the electromagnetic spectrum

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps to boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, structured, using mathematical skills and extended writing.


  • Atoms - Edexcel

    Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Change the number of neutrons in an atom and it becomes an isotope, change the number of electrons, it becomes an ion.

  • Nuclear radiation - Edexcel

    With the wrong number of neutrons, nuclei can fall apart. A nucleus will regain stability by emitting alpha or beta particles and then 'cool down' by emitting gamma radiation.

  • Uses and dangers of radioactivity - Edexcel

    People are exposed to sources of radiation in all aspects of everyday life. Radioactive sources can be very useful but need handling carefully to ensure safety.

  • Nuclear power - Edexcel

    The nuclei of atoms contain a large amount of energy. Releasing this energy would free the world from having to use fossil fuels. There are two methods of doing this: fission and fusion.

  • Sample exam questions - radioactivity - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.


  • The Solar System - Edexcel

    The Sun is our nearest star. It is a relatively small star when compared to other stars in the Universe. Our Solar System contains the Sun and everything that orbits it.

  • The Universe - Edexcel

    Theories about the development of the Universe, such as the Big Bang theory, are based on astronomical observations including red shift.

  • The life cycle of stars - Edexcel

    Gravity and nuclear fusion reactions drive the formation and development of stars. Stars with different masses grow and change throughout the different stages of their lives.

  • Sample exam questions - astronomy - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps to boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, structured, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Forces doing work

  • Changes in energy - Edexcel

    Energy in a system can be changed, in particular by mechanical work. It cannot be created or destroyed but it can be transferred, dissipated or stored in different ways.

  • Power and efficiency - Edexcel

    The rate at which energy is transferred is called power and the amount of energy that is usefully transferred is called efficiency. It is important to be able to calculate power and efficiency.

  • Sample exam questions - forces - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps to boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, structured, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Forces and their effects

  • Forces - Edexcel

    Forces are responsible for all the interactions between particles and objects. They can be put into two categories: contact forces and non-contact forces. Forces can be added up as vectors.

  • Effects of forces - Edexcel

    Turning forces are found in many everyday situations and are essential for machines to function. Levers and gears make use of these turning forces to provide an advantage.

  • Sample exam questions - forces and their effects - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps to boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, structured, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Electricity and circuits

  • Electric circuits - Edexcel

    Current transfers energy around circuits. Circuit components have various properties that can be measured and then used to make circuits for control and also circuits for testing other components.

  • Mains electricity - Edexcel

    Electricity can flow either as direct or alternating current, and is used in homes to power electrical appliances. The National Grid distributes electricity throughout the country.

  • Sample exam questions - electricity and circuits - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Static electricity

  • Static electricity - Edexcel

    The motion of charged particles causes electrical effects, small shocks, lightning and sparks. Electrical fields cause forces to act on charged particles.

  • Sample exam questions - static electricity - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps to boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, structured, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Magnetism and the motor effect

  • Magnets and magnetic fields - Edexcel

    Magnetism and electromagnetism occur because of the magnetic fields around magnets and around electric currents. The fields can be investigated by the forces they exert on magnets and magnetic materials.

  • Electromagnets (Higher) - Edexcel

    Electromagnetism is caused by the magnetic fields around electric currents. The fields can cause forces with other nearby magnets and these forces can be used to make motors spin.

  • Sample exam questions - magnetism and the motor effect - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Electromagnetic induction

  • Electromagnetic induction - Edexcel

    Electromagnetic induction can create a voltage by movement of a conductor in a magnetic field. This voltage can make current flow, and the effect is used in electricity generation and microphones.

  • Transformers - Edexcel

    Transformers use electromagnetic induction to change the voltage of alternating currents. The voltage and current changes can be calculated, as the power transfer is constant.

  • Sample exam questions - electromagnetic induction - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps to boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, structured, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

The particle model

  • Density of materials - Edexcel

    Matter is made up of small particles called atoms. Atoms can exist on their own or together as molecules. Atoms are very small and around 100,000,000 of them side by side would measure 1 centimetre.

  • Temperature changes and energy - Edexcel

    Changes in a material's temperature or state of matter are caused by changes to the internal energy. The energy required by different materials depends on their 'heat capacity' and 'latent heat'.

  • Gases - Edexcel

    Gases take up more space than solids or liquids and their particles are moving much faster. The temperature, pressure and volume of gases are all related.

  • Sample exam questions - the particle model - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Forces and matter

  • Forces and elasticity - Edexcel

    Forces are responsible for changing the motion of objects. If more than one force is present, the shape of an object can also be changed.

  • Pressure in fluids - Edexcel

    Every living thing on Earth is in balance with the pressure of the air or water around it. Pressure helps blood to move around the body and allows organisms to breathe.

  • Practice Edexcel questions - Forces and matter - Edexcel

    Understanding how to approach exam questions helps boost exam performance. Questions will include multiple choice, descriptions and explanations, using mathematical skills and extended writing.

Practical skills

  • Scientific skills - Edexcel

    Scientific investigations have several stages - planning, collecting data, analysing data and evaluation. It is important to understand how to carry out each stage of the investigation.
