
Multiple choice questions

Multiple choice questions are perhaps the easiest to complete - you simply put a cross in a box. However, the questions often have two answers that could, at first glance, be correct. Don't make the mistake of reading the first answer and thinking this is correct without checking all the others.

If it says 'Tick one box', you must tick one box. If you leave it blank or tick two or more boxes, you will get zero marks. These multiple choice questions will not start with command words like 'describe' or 'explain'. They will be written in the form of a question like 'What鈥?' or 'Why鈥?'.

There will be more multiple choice questions on the Foundation paper.

Edexcel questions courtesy of Pearson Education Ltd.

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Sample question 1 - Foundation and Higher


Wooden trucks on a toy railway have permanent magnets that hold the train together. The magnets are arranged so that an N-pole touches an S-pole between each truck, as shown in the figure below.

Three toy train carriages labelled X, Y and Z, attached to each other and each with a magnetic north and south which is labelled.

Truck Y is removed from the train, turned through 180掳 and is then replaced between truck X and Z.

How does this affect the train? [1 mark]

AY attracts both X and Z as before
BY still attracts X but now repels Z
CY still attracts Z but now repels X
DY now repels both X and Z
Y attracts both X and Z as before
Y still attracts X but now repels Z
Y still attracts Z but now repels X
Y now repels both X and Z

Sample question 2 - Higher


The structure of a toy truck, seen from above, is shown in the figure below.

The permanent magnets cause a magnetic field both inside and outside the truck.

A top down view of a train truck. There are two permanent magnets on each side. The left magnet has South facing into the truck, and the right magnet has North facing into the truck.

Which of these correctly shows the field inside the truck? [1 mark]

Top down view of four train trucks. There is a magnetic field pattern in each truck.