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24 September 2014

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Farewell ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Pebble Mill
Old and new home of ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Birmingham
What are your memories of ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Pebble Mill? Have you ever been part of a studio audience or stood outside to meet the stars? Or what has been you favourite TV or Radio programme produced from there? Share your memories here.

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The end of an era

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Good Morning with Anne and Nick

There will be a lot of saddness when ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Birmingham leaves Pebble Mill but over the years there's been alot of fond memories.

Pebble Mill has staged many popular shows over the years, most famously the Pebble Mill at One a 45 minute lunchtime chat show presented from the foyer of the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ's Pebble Mill studios in Birmingham.

Star presenters over the years included Magnus Magnusson, Sarah Greene, Ross King, Jan Leeming, David Seymour, Alan Titchmarsh, Judi Spiers and Ross Kelly.

Pebble Mill memories ..

Alan Titchmarsh
Alan Titchmarsh made his name at Pebble Mill

What are your thoughts about ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Birmingham's move to the mailbox? Will you miss Pebble Mill?

Share your fond memories of maybe being part of a studio audience or let us know what has been your favourite TV or Radio programme produced there.


Your thoughts and memories

Debbie Underhill
I remember my Mother taking part on the programme in the 70's. She presented NYJO with an extremely huge teddy bear. We didn't have a video in those days so I taped into onto a cassette but it would have been great to have got a video of her presenting the band with the bear. Mum really enjoyed her visit and was not nervous in front of the cameras. It was a great day and one I will never forget.

Christopher - Worcestershire
What a sad end to a glorious life for such an iconic building. Both my parents worked at Pebble Mill for most of the time it was open and my memories of the building, it's staff and the programmes made there are almost endless. The trips in with my dad during school holidays and occasionally getting to watch programmes being made from with in the Control Galleries was a wondrous start to my current career. Also the feel that even though Pebble Mill is in the middle of Birmingham with two busy roads either side, you felt as if you where cut off from the rest of the world. I will always remember the happy, friendly, jokey and somewhat laid back feel to the building, which masked the absolute total professionalism of all staff. Nothing was to difficult or to small. Just remember the programmes that where made or simply had office space there – Pebble Mill at One, Pebble Mill, Goodmornig with Anne and Nick, Telly Addicts, Top Gear, Gardeners World, Howard’s Way, On the House, The Clothes Show, Episodes of Juliet Bravo, Adaptations of Charles Dickens and Shakespeare Plays, Dalziel and Pascoe, Vanity Fair (1980 version), Midlands Today, 6:55 Special, CountryFile, Farming a whole host of Asian Programmes. The list just goes on. I will miss the building and it’s staff greatly and fell that British TV has lost something with Pebble Mill’s closure. So sad.

Mike McClelland Birmingham
Add your comment here I used to enjoy Pebble Mill At One with Bob Langley, David Seymore, Marion Foster and the Late Donny McLoed. I often wonder what happened to David Seymore. I remember David Interviewing Maurice Collbourne at the time " Gangsters " was first airing around 1975. I also remember the Resident band with Lionel Ruebens on drums, Lionel, of course used to play with The Jerry Allen Trio on " Lunchbox ", in the early 60's, with Noele Gordon. I visited Pebble Mill on 2 occasions to watch recordings of " The Clever Dickathalon " with Don Mclean, for broadcast by Radio 2. I had the pleasure of meeting Don at those recordings, along with one of the Panelists, Douggie Brown. I still see Don Mclean as I now work as a Train Driver for Chiltern Railways, in Birmingham. When I was a Volunteer at Radio Lollipop at Birmingham Children's Hospital in the mid 80's, I used to know Dave Mason and Nick Johnson. Dave was our Chief Engineer and Nick Johnson was our Programme Controller. Both worked at Pebble Mill, Dave was Dubbing mixer for programmes like " Top Gear " and Nick worked on " The Archers". I shall miss Pebble Mill, it gave us some fantastic programmes, both on T V and Radio, be it local or national. I can also remember tuning in on a Saturday Night, after " Match Of The Day" for " Saturday Night At The Mill", where Kenny Ball and his Jazzmen were the Resident Musicians. Thank You Pebble Mill for all those wonderful memories.

Matthew Hadley
My Favourite Television Programme made by Pebble Mill was The gameshow Telly Addicts hosted by Noel Edmonds. It was a wonderful show and definitely the show for telly addicts hence the title I didnt like the final series of Telly Addicts because I thought they had turned into a crystal maze type format. But overall enjoyed brillantly over its early years.

I always remember when I was still at school coming home for lunch; Pebble Mill at One...a great programme int's day....just before schools progs and then closedown!!! I guess I'm getting on!...anyone else remeber that programme?

Eloise Morrison-Williams
I shared many a Sunday mornings in the studio during Reggae-Reggae in the early seventies.Those were truly great times. I will forever remember those time. good luck to all Eloise

I remember Pebble Mill,from being there in 1976-7 doing security for the Guys and Doll swho were doping a pilot show for television.At the time I had just arrived in uk from New Zealand as I had lived there since I left England in 1956 to serve in the NZ armed Forces. Istayd in the forces for over twenty years .Then found I could not settle in England again with my family so we returned to nz.I still think of the time spent there with the group edward

chris phipps
a chance encounter with the then producer of ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖRADIO BIRMINGHAMS Black Country show launched me unwittingly into an incredible freelance radio and tv career from 1974 to 1982 covering the Black Country area and co presenting "look!hear!" with Toyah Wilcox for local tv . Ihave since enjoyeda worldwide career as a consultant in entertainment and as a music documentary maker--all thanks to Pebble Mill and Roger Casstles . Thanks again

i well mess pebblmill

lynn davis
Add your comment here Famous for 5 minutes in 1972 - I remember recording a voice-over at Pebble Mill for a ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ TV documentary called 'And Teddy Came Too ....'. The subject of the programme was the schools cruise ship S.S Nevasa. My parents paid £56 for me to go on the cruise!!

Richard Kings
Our cub football team had our 'home' ground at the Pebble Mill site (I've no idea how or who managed to arrange that one). The pitch would flood regularly & the pools of water seemed to unerve some visiting players, whilst our side were used to it! In two seasons playing there, we never lost a single home match.

rex harrison
i went to greenmore college in the 50/60's and the PM site was our sports gound..:o)

Stephen Butcher
Granted it was not a Pebble Mill originated programme but I am sad to see only one passing reference - on the competition page - to the influential hospital drama "Angels" which was shot and edited in Birmingham for all but the first of its later, twice-weekly, series (not its "early days" as far as I am aware). I directed a number of these episodes and it was always a pleasure to get away from the offices and rehearsal room in London to Pebble Mill. The studio/OB crews were excellent and the editing department was just the best both then and when I returned, briefly, to work on "Countryfile" some years later. It is a pity that Pebble Mill, with so many happy memories, has to go - athough let's be honest it is a very ugly building! - but I am sure the people who made ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Birmingham such a rewarding place to work will continue to do so.

Mark Occomore
I remember watching Pebble Mill at One it was one of my highlights of a weekday lunch times. Good Morning with Anne and Nick was one of the great shows. The whole word Pebble Mill will live in my memories.

Elizabeth Wood
Can anyone tell me if Alan Titchmarsh presented a programme called something like 'Angel Voices', probably in the the eighties? It was a delightful programme, travelling with a Cathedral School Choir. I also have memories of a programme going in search of 'Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land'. Was this also Alan Titchmarsh or am I making all this up?

vaughan james
We went to the auction of contents at Pebble mill and it was a very sad occasion for me,to see peoples lives and memories being removed,hopefully to a nice place. I have been present when a company has closed down and it bought it all back to me. We did buy some bargains of office furniture though and we were on the bbc midlands news on the night. Another plus was that we saw Kate Walker and the radio car.

Simon Hope
When I was about 15/16 my brother & I visited Pebble Mill to sit in the audience of the music show Look Hear introduced by Toyah Wilcox & Chris Phipps. We were a little dissapointed as we were expecting to see top Walsall rock band Judas Priest but it turned out they had been recorded on tape previously and we basically saw them on telly in the studio. Doh! Anyway I would just like to say all the best to the Pebble Mill team with their move to the Mailbox and mark the end of an era.

i was at the opening of pebble mill i tried to get a dance with h. r .h the pricess anne but no luck i think i finished up with one of the make up ladies,i now work in another magical place disney in orlando and that's what pebble mill was like a magical place . i remember so many wonderful people at the mill and lots of happy nights in the old bar on the 2nd floor rum punch day was always great.

Dave Moore, Hong Kong
As an unpaid volunteer, I used to go out in the Radio Birmingham van in about '75, saw loads of stars at Pop at The Mill. security wasnon-existent. Ross & Henry were a scream, especially their bit wher listeners called in to say how far away they were and were still picking up the signal. I was about to make a career choice.It was a toss up between accountancy or media - I made the wrong choice!From 6,000 miles away, it seems ludicrous to close a building so young.

Z. Oltan
I loved Pebble Mill and everything it stood for. I'll miss the old days when pebbles would walk into the old mill and make wooly little badgers for the children of the surrounding area.

I remember watching Pebble Mill at One when I was younger, during my college years. There was one programme that I remember when they had a pop band called Strawberry Switchblade playing. Does anyone remember the girls (Scottish, I believe) from this band?

When i was young, the babysitter that my mum & dad used just happened to be a secretary at pebble mill... And she just happened to be able to get tickets for "pop at the mill" (not remembered much i feel) if any footage available, i could show you "me" in the front of the audience in many of the programmes. I still have some tickets in my memory box. Goodbye my dear, dear pebble mill. P.s. please can i have a brick x x x x

John Wilson
I was in the sound department of Pebble Mill in the 70's. It was a brilliant place to work but one anecdote I was told when I arrived sums up the building - Ron Sowton a Floor Manager borrowed from the Board room some posh chairs for the foyer when HRH P. Anne opened the bulding - he was called a * by an admin staff member for the unauthorised use - he explained it was for a "grade one" programme and they didn't know what that was! Ron said that when they knew what a grade one programme was he would take their criticism seriously - or words to that effect. Its seemed to set the tone for the building - it was all about making programmes. They ought to have had a tribute on ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ 1 to PM. I could give a list of clips to show from Spy Trap and The Brothers to Star Gazy on Summerdown etc etc.

Suzy Cadman
I worked at Pebble Mill from 1991 to 1999, I still miss it (and my old mates!) a great deal! A great place to get fit (if you took the stairs and not the lift!), lovely bar (with great snacks!). Though I have not visited the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ's new premises (I'm sure they are fine), it is always very sad when something comes to an end....when I was a child I always caught 'Pebble Mill at One', which seemed very down to earth and accessible. Good bye the Mill....gone, but never forgotten.

Shame on you ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ.Pebble Mill is the Midlands Alexandra Palace.The Building is steeped in 1970's- 80's television history.I bet we will all be saying in another 30 years time "why the hell did they tear it down"

Simply the best.

Jon Harris
When I was 16 or 17 I came for an interview for an Outside Broadcast Technicans Job. As I arrived it was about 12.00, just as the days guest for Pebble Mill at One arrived. The guest was Charles Dance. The interview went really well (well mine did, I don't know about Mr. Dance's!)and I got a second interview down in London. Being young and very inexperienced at interviews I froze in front of the interview panel. So I have very happy memories of my visit to Pebble Mill, I had to wait in the reception just the same as the star guest. Its a shame it has to close. Good luck in your new home.

Whilst growing up in the late seventies & eighties (I’m 30 ) I remember only too well the remaining years of Pebble Mill at One, then Howards Way, All Creatues Great & Small, then in the nineties Pebble Mill, Dangerfield etc. Pebble Mill always held a certain magic for me, I suppose because like TV centre it was a major production centre producing nationally renowned TV programs. Looking at pictures of Pebble Mill now I realise it needs updating, but I’m sure the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ could have furnished the costs; because lets face it Birmingham is class A in producing national drama. I know they do most of their work on location but nevertheless the experience & sheer quality of Pebble Mill programs must carry on. The Mailbox seems a nice place, but lets be honest it doesn’t offer the staff the scope & flexibility that Pebble Mill did. City Centre buildings are all very well but the small space hardly lends itself to creativity. National Drama is a very serious business, & up until recent years I/we have always relied on The ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ to make world class drama, sadly with the demise of Pebble Mill I think cool drama from the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ like All Creatures Great & Small, Dangerfield/ Howard’s Way etc will never be repeated in the future. I’m sure The Mailbox is a pleasant place, but considering Pebble Mill only opened about 30 years ago I reckon there was a lot more mileage to be got out of the old girl yet, Mark

monica jeffress
Getting up at 3am and driving from Bournemouth because we just had to see Barry Manilow as he was the guest of Anne and Nick, A very cold winter morning, had coffee in the canteen, got warmed up and saw Barry as he arrived two minutes before he went on air, It would have been rather nice to have been on THAT sofa that morning squashed between the lovely Barry Manilow and the so gorgeous Nick Owen,

Malcolm Palmer
I have some very fond memories of Pebble Mill which i first visited in the early 1970s & the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Radio Birmingham Studio & through which I got to know all the presenters at the time,it was at this point that I found a new interest,I became a amateur reporter for the station,within 4 yrs of involvment I found several interesting features that were used on Radio Birmingham programmes espec.Wulfrun Echo,[I still keep in touch with the ex producer] My full time job was working in the Electrical Control Gear Industry, so Radio B,Ham was a interest & even TV from time to time.during visits to Pebble Mill I came into contact with Alan Randall He was appearing on Pebble Mill at One, Alan like Myself being a member of The George Formby Society & are to this day & the experience of writting continues I am still a roving Reporter for publications of socities I am connected with,it seemed to Start at Pebble Mill,I was last there 3 yrs ago when i was interviewed on The carl Chinn Show about George Formby,I shall never forget Pebble Mill,& feel sad its come to a end, Thanks to Pebble Mill. Memories Will Linger MalcolmPalmer

Laura Windows
My Dad worked at the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ and I remember going as a child to visit him. It was my first experience of the media world. I remember (and still have) a visitors pass made out of fabric with a purple logo on the top. Very different to the paper passes people hand out now! I was mesmorised by all the interesting people walking about and the huge canteen and smaller-than you-thought-they-would-be studios. Birmingham and the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ should be very proud of Pebble Mill. It has a great history. To me it was and always will be a very magical place!

Karen Hubbard
I have many fond and happy childhood memories of Pebble Mill during the 70's and 80's, as I often accompanied my father who worked there for many years as a Senior Cameraman. Many a time did I sit in the audience of Pebble Mill at One, Pop at the Mill & Pot Black lapping up all the atmosphere that live TV has to offer. Often I would accompany Dad as he attended planning meetings and went about his job having the privelege of going into wardrobe, makeup and scenery departments and even into the canteen and bar on many occasions. Of course spotting famous faces was a big thrill for me being a teenager at the time. My Dad also met my step-mum while working at Pebble Mill, she was a vision mixer on many of the same programmes, sadly they are both no longer with us now - but the memories I have of that special time will stay with me for ever. Thank you Pebble Mill for such fond and happy memories.

Anita Glover
I used to live in the large house on the same side of the road as the studio, it was then a childrens home, called pebble mill house, the end of the garden was where we, the children had our own little patch of garden to tend, I remember being told that we were loosing part of the garden so that a television studio could be built, I would walk past the studio to go to play in Cannon Hill Park, and imagine all the things going on inside, it seemed magical to me, and I always liked the programmes made there, what is going to happen to the place now i wonder,

When I was off school ill I always loved watching Pebble Mill At One with Bob, Donny and of course the lovely Marian Foster. It is like a part of my childhood has gone, never to be seen again. Please ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ, bring out a poster of Pebble Mill so I can put it on my wall and never forget a wonderful building!

Pauline Bloomer
I live in Ontario, Canada, and my memories of Pebble Mill are of Pebble Mill Road, and my Mom and I used to get off the tram from Selly Oak, to walk downPebble Mill Road to Cannon Hill Park. Happy memories. Best wishes on your move.

alison kings norton
i remember working at pebble mill in 1990 for a 2 weeks in the editing department and i was all star struck seeing jason donavan being interview on bbc 1 daytime show. years later i am back at pebble mill doing background work for doctors and afternoon plays. i will have lots of memories of the chats and laughs i have had whilst working there. but i am sure i will have many more working at the mail box. heres to a new era !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yaeko in Tokyo, Japan
I went to England to see both Gospel and Pop Concerts of my favourite singer Cliff Richard in 1975. I still remenber that I visited Pebble Mill on Oct.24. 1975 I was very lucky that I could see Cliff outside and I had taken my photo with Cliff and his English fans. I still keep this photo in pass case. It was a lovely memory of my days in England.

James Young
I spent 5 very enjoyable years working in the C & ES (Engineering Dept) at Pebble Mill between 1980 and 1985. It was a fantastic experience - and I guess so different from now. OBs coming via radio link (rather than satellite); so many cold Saturdays sat on hilltops (Bardon Hill!) in a van while the MOTD matches were recorded. 12hr shifts in TAR covering PM@1, SNAM and 6.55 Special when TV took over one of the radio studios (St.1) which I think was then home to the original Kilroy programmes? The start of Breakfast TV. Maintenance bases in G40 & G41 and the radio studios mntnce in G78/79. Radio 1 sessions in Studio 2 and Geoff Hewitt encouraging young bands to curtail their smoking of some interesting substances! The Friday Concert from St.1. The views from the canteen and the food - is the syrup sponge still as memorable? Who knows? Good luck to those still in Engineering who may remember me - Stuart G, John Mildoon et al and good luck in The Mailbox. James Young

paul cox
i remember many years ago being in front of the tv and Pebble Mill at 1 came on air, ok i was a small boy at the time but i definately remember the use of a fire & rescue platform in the titles at one point! not only that but of the many things in that programme i also recalled the various "monsters" of Dr Who in one show... and who can leave out the bbc radio wm presenters! especially the nightmare of every dodgy business? yes Mr Ed Doolan! Pebble mill thankyou and farewell to a great piece of bbc history to be sadly missed.

In 1969 I appeared on Pebble3 mill at one with a Keep fit group led by Eileen Fowler.On the day we appeared there was a technicians strike and we had to rush our performance in one take, following a horse display.need I say more.I never got to see the performance on tv as we had no set at that time.I wonder if the film still exists.


wendy ward
I used to work the "twilight" shift at the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ i.e. 5.30 till midnight. I started when the beeb was still in Broad St and moved with them to Carpenter Rd their temporary home, and then became one of the first in the newsroom at Pebble Mill. For a few of the opening weeks at Pebble Mill the lady in charge of the restaurant (canteen) was off sick so I took over. I can remember so much and have some very amusing and sad memories of members of staff. I was there when Sally Hayes first started work. She became the wife of Richard Burton. I loved my work at the beeb.

John Lainchbury
Pebble Mill to me meant Quality Broadcasting. As a retired telephone engineer I remember working with the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ at various times supplying circuits for Outside Broadcasts. (OB) as they were known to us. There was Gosta Green studio, Broad St, and at that time the HQ was at Carpenter Road in Edgbaston. Then a purpose building the last word in high tech. Now that era has come to a close. May I wish all the staff at the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ all the best for the future at the Mailbox I am sure it will do just fine.

Clive Payne
I got my first break into radio with WM at Pebble Mill and enjoyed 11 successful years. It was great to work in an environment well noted and respected for it's quality radio and television programmes. Being in a building like The Mill I was able to cross some boundaries and do little bits of telly and even do a couple of screen tests for Midlands Today. Everything I know about radio and televison presentation and production, I learned from friends and colleagues here and without Pebble Mill it would never have happened. I never forgot the day I flicked a load of peas into Ross King's pudding in the canteen because he pinched the last available seat! I got to do Children in Need too and let Mo Dutta push in front of me for his chips in the 1st floor canteen. I've met famous people tooand interviewed a few more. The Mill was and is a great place and holds many memories for us all. I'm not broadcasting these days but if I ever return to it, I'll owe Pebble Mill a great debt.

Pete Simpkin
I was a producer and presenter first at the old Radio Birmingham then WM and one of my memories was of thr sharing we did with out TV colleagues of the front entrance for Pebble Mill at One..those of us on the radio side were told to carry on business as usual whatever was happening on the TV show so one lunchtime I was showing out a visiting priest who had just been recording some morning thought talks and guiding him through the entrance hall whilst a live broadcast of some ballet was taking place.just as the producer switched to the widest shot of the dancers I appeared walking across the background with my hands firmly placed on the shoulders of the bewildered priest! The floor manager locked the doors so I couldn't get back in to read the two o clock news summary without running up the road and in through the back door.n my boss the late Jack Johnston was not haappy to hear the breathless rendering of the news!! bye bye Pebble Mill.

Jo, Hall Green
I remember being given the chance, as a prize from school, to sit in the audience for Pebble Mill at 1, around 1993. My friends and I had to shift across our seats and bunch up to fit the Moody Blues' groupies : ) "Nights I have sat in?" After, we were given a quick tour and got to see the Anne & Nick set - with the mock living room, etc. Nick touched me on the shoulder! Said 'excuse me' too! We also got to see the fake-snow set out, back. I have a photo somewhere. It was always lovely to know that just down the road there were all these famous people, back in those days you felt like Birmingham was the most derrided and backward place in Britain. Just look at us now though : ) The MailBox is part of our regeneration, so it is probably very apt that the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ will make it's new home there.

Brian Wykes
In Nov 1972 I and acouple of friends parachuted into Pebble Mill for the "Pebble Bill Dash" to celebrate the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ's Anniversary. Brian Wykes

Dennis Amor (formerly Dennis Poxon)
An end of an era! I was really sad to learn of Pebble Mill's demise. As a journalist working on the Express and Star, and now living in Australia, I spent many happy hours at the studios ... particularly during the Pebble Mill at One era. One particular segment remains firmly lodged in my memory ... the day a Harrier Jump Jet dropped in. Gawd, the noise!!! I will fondly remember my visits to the studios. Oh, by the way ... why The Mailbox? Dennis

graham pettifer
i was at the opening of pebble mill i worked in studio a i could say i lived at the place i loved it so much,i fell in love and out of love in that wonderful place as a kid i used to swim in the river that runs by the building ,i remember so much and so many many people wonderful people no longer with us,i could go on and on.

David Phillips
I remember vividly as a five year old, back in 1971, that when "Pebble Mill at One" started, it was time to run back to school after coming home for dinner. If I saw more than the opening titles and Bob Langley saying hello, I would be late for the bell.

Chris Fyfe
My name is Chris Fyfe and I am recovering from a severe brain haemorrhage. One of the nicest days I had was at the studios of Pebble Mill when I was part of a band called 'Collaboration'. I recall the day extremely vividlly as it was on a St. Patrick's Day. One of other acts was 'The Holy Fater's Roadshow' and I always remember them as being extremely funnyy and puting us at ease. I remember that the dry ice machine got a bit carried away with itself and nearly obscured our drummer. Oh! What happy and fond memories. All the best Chris

Tony Weston
I remember when I was a Refrigeration Engineer back in Brum, I was always on the road, and many a time I used to park my van outside the Pebble Mill studios while I ate my lunch. I used to love watching various celebrities being interviewed, although of course, I couldnt hear what was being said. I also remember one day when we were entertained by a "Harrier Jump Jet" which landed in the grounds of the "Mill", what an awesome sight that was. I now live in Auckland New Zealand, but I still have fond memories of Pebble Mill and it's many interseting "lunch breaks" Kindest Regards to you all Tony Weston New Zealnd

My partner works at the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ in their news online offices. It was fantastic the first time he showed me round the building which has been part of my life through the innovative programs that it has made or produced. Pebble Mill has become a household name, probably one of only a few ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ establishments whre you know it through another name other than the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ. I think it will be sad once Pebble Mill is closed and I think alot of people are going to feel a certain amount of sadness. Granted the Mailbox will bring the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ closer to its viewers and I'm sure it will continue to grow and be a part of the community, but nevertheless fond memories will always be had of Pebble Mill. Goodbye Pebble Mill.

Charlotte Hale
I was fortunate enough to work for the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Costume Department at Pebble Mill for 2 weeks as my work experience in secondary school. It was 2 weeks I shall never forget. Each day was completely different and we were given many opportunities to visit sets and take equipment out to outside broadcasts. The Pebble Mill building was inspirational and having visited other studios all over the world during the past few years I can certainly say that I have never experienced the same atmosphere - Pebble Mill is a one off and will be sadly missed.

Paul Evans
I was a devotee in the mid-1970s of 'Heavy Pressure', a Tuesday night rock show on Radio Birmingham presented by Malcolm Jay. Sadly the programme had a far smaller audience than it deserved, which made winning their phone-in competitions embarrassingly easy! My brother & I won so often we had to give false names and friends' addresses for the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ to send the prizes - somehow they never cottoned on. I still have several 7" singles which I 'named and claimed'. Later we took to visiting the studio while the show was on air - on one occasion dropping into Malcolm's lap a copy of the brand new Rick Wakeman album, purchased the same day in London. He was delighted with the opportunity to play a track, as he hadn't yet heard it! I often wonder what became of Malcolm - he was one of the best local radio jocks I've ever heard.

Dawn Astle
When I was younger my mum done some temp work at Pebble Mill, somehow she managed to get a full time job there. It was so good, I can remember being in the audience for Pebble Mill at One a few times, or just standing at the back of the studio. I can remember going to see the studios where Angels was filmed (hospital program), it completely changed the way I saw the program. I can remember walking through the props department as my mum had a friend who worked in there it was amazing. The highlight for me was when I met Spandau Ballet there, it was great. I still go to Pebble Mill as my mum still works there about 20 years later, I see famous people there still but not as much as when I was younger, but I reckon I'm the daughter of one of the most famous people at Pebble Mill these days, my mum is Bridget who works in Reception, she is the one who makes everyone feel so welcome whether there famous or not.

Gary Hale of Evesham, now living in Weston Super M
Back in April 1993, I was lucky enough to have a VIP tour of ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Pebble Mill with Midlands Today presenter Bernadette Kearney. We toured the offices (meeting Kay Alexander, Richard Uridge, Alan Towers and Miriam O'Reilly), the studios, the radio studios (including the Archers) and not only did I watch Bernadette broadcast live with a mid-morning news bulletin, but the gallery stayed on so that I could present the a news bulletin (apparently I passed with flying colours!). Later we had lunch, chatted before going home to Worcestershire. When I was much younger, while staying for lunch with my Nan and Grandad Smith, we would watch Pebble Mill at One and spot the Midland Red buses going past! Wonderful days. Pebble Mill Studios were, without doubt, the best studios in the country. There is only one word for them - UNIQUE! I hope I'm not in Birmingham when they're pulling them down - it'll break my heart! Gary Hale, 30

Nick Rutter
I remember waiting inside the foyer at Pebble Mill. On the other end of the couch was Hughie, from the legendary Folk Group "The Spinners". I had actually been to a few of their concerts and to their original Folk Club in a pub in Liverpool, so we were able to swap tales and mention old friends. Good memories! A memorable day - I did my first radio interview, about the Youth Hostel Association in the Midlands. I talked about some of the many funny and/or moving incidents that have happened to me in Youth Hostels. (Taking a group of kids from central Birmingham to a hostel which was a working farm. Their version of what they saw when they witnessed a calf being born kept us amused for months!)

Vanessa Buxton
My Dad, Hu Cartwright, was a guest on Pebble Mill at One in the early eighties talking about lighting techniques on filming the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ dramatisation of the Mayor or Casterbridge. Hu was a Lighting Director with the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ for pretty much all of his working life. A job he loved and was very proud of. Hu died two years ago and amongst his possessions were lots of lovely thank you letter he had collected over the years for the work he had done for events, such as the proms and royal weddings. When I heard of the closure of Pebble Mill it reminded me of his appearance of the show. Hu did have his appearance on video tape but over the years this must have been lost. It would great to see this footage again and would appreciate it if anyone could advise me if it is possible to retrieve it from the achieves.



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