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28 October 2014

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Charlotte Hackett

By Roxy Harley

Roxy went on a mission to find fashion freaks in the Bullring. From BoHo chicks, to skater dudes, to devil tempting cherry shoes...

fashion heaven

Okay聟.The Bullring is now the new shopping capital of Europe, or so the adverts says; but is it all that? And who does it attract?

I went on a mission to answer these burning questions we all secretly hold聟聟but my little adventure turned around, o yes it did, and I ended up having a cuppa in Starbucks with a student from the London College of Fashion - Charlotte Hackett, 18, and聟.get this聟. she is a local girl also, from the shire of Sutton!

the mission

My little 007 mission started on Thursday morn; I really like shopping, clothes, shoes, etc; basically spending money on shallow, material things! So I thought I'd love picking out people who are well and weirdly dressed out and about at the Bullring, but I couldn't really find any quirky people except the people who work in Topshop and H&M but that doesn't count! They all must be in bed, I thought! So I picked a select few to have a more detailed natter with:

the people

Lee Smith
Poncho queen Faye Kateri

Faye Kateri:
The first poor soul I picked on was Faye Kateri, 15, from Four Oaks; she was going for the Bohemian chick look, in a woolly poncho.
I asked her why she chooses to shop here and what is fashion to her?

She said: " I think I use fashion as an expression of myself and the Bullring offers lots for everyone, with designer and high-street shops to department stores."

Lee Smith
Lee Smith

Lee Smith
My next victim was Lee Smith, 18, from Lichfield, he was a skater dude, complete with the metal belt, CK's and even a tattoo聟.oooo聟(I managed to get a picture of that too!) I personally like the skate look - baggy jeans, converse, but many other people seemed to like this too.

I pestered him the same and asked how often does he comes shopping and why does he choose a 'label' to dress too. (He didn't seem impressed with the 'label' comment but聟i'm just being honest!)

Lee's tattoo

He said: "I don't really think about what I wear, I just throw it on in the morning. I like to dress like this because I feel comfortable and I feel it shows my personality.

I come shopping here quite often - probably every 2weeks, if I've got money!"

This 'I'm a tramp' look seemed to be very popular and lots of converse are about, I am a fan of this 'i've just got up look' but it is obvious that you did just get up and then spent 1 hour perfecting the look in the mirror before hand!

Sophie Tyson:
Sophie, 16, from Coventry caught moi eye as she had a cool bag, she said she likes all 'kiddie' things and her favourite shop is the Lego shop, too right, it is sooo cool in there!

what the pro says

Charlotte Hackett
Charlotte - design student

Charlotte Hackett:
Here is the very attractive girl who dressed very well indeed, (If I was a lad - I would fancy her, but I'm not so I don't聟erm..) Well anyway, it turned out that she is in her second year at the London Collage of Fashion doing a degree in Design and Marketing. Her main thing is designing jewellery. I asked how the Bullring compares to other shopping centres for originality-

She said: "I think the Bullring is great, it has everything anybody wants, and it also has good shops around the city too, so it's like a journey. There are lots of original designs and all the shops are together. If you are into individual designs - this is definitely the place to come, you can spend so much here! I also love coming around the shops with my sketch book to get inspiration."

Ahh sweet!

I met up With Charlotte again and she bought some of her jewellery with her, I have officially fallen in love with a pair of 'sweet earrings' - they are the bomb - made from real sweets varnished over! I asked if I could buy some and the lovely girl gave me them! I feel like a pixie when I wear them!

She says she sells some of her jewellery to family and friends, and has started selling them at car-boot sales, and is currently working on a website now. So look out for them!

the verdict

Indeed. Well yes, yes I do agree the Bullring is good and it's definitely a good culture mix. You can go if you're 2 - 102, any age, any taste, anytime!

Cherry Converse
Sweet cherry Converse

BUT聟. it does encourage one to spend ones wages; I gave in to 'a trend' and bought some cherry converse.聟yes I know I was supposed to be working, and I am a hypocrite聟.but I felt like Jesus being tempted by the devil. (They are really cool though!)

So yes I believe the Birmingham is the new shopping capital of Europe and if I was to go to heaven - I believe the Bullring would probably be it.


Roxy's diary

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