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24 September 2014

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Follow Roxy's exploits as a Blast reporter. Now, where do we start? Dear diary...

applying for Blast

Erm聟don't know the date! Some time in May?

I am at school 'chillin' in the 6th form centre with a cup of tea and a hobnob! (very gangsta!) My friend points out a piece of paper with green highlighter pen on, and says 'Oi, Rox, you should try that'.

So being bored and curious I swan over to the notice board and take a look. It was a notice saying 'Be a 成人快手 BLAST journalist', I read more, then went on the website www.bbc.co.uk/blast to have a nose. 'OOooo'聟.I thought this looks good! So I filled in the application form, with the biggest words I knew. And that was it!

Monday 30th June

Right, picture this; I am just dying my hair. (Trying to re-dye the orangey afro disaster from last night) So I am at home trying to play hairdresser and my phone rings; I answer it as you do; it is 'Sarah Loat from the 成人快手.'

Hmmm聟.yes the 成人快手, I nearly swallowed the phone! 'I was successful in my application form and I have been asked to attend an informal interview at the 成人快手 offices in the Mailbox.' Well I never!

I put the phone down and called my Nan, my friends, and anyone who would listen!
It must have been 2months since I filled in the application form, and it hadn't crossed my mind at all. (One has lots of thinking to do, i.e. - wondering what's for dinner).

I was asked to write an article on an event of some kind, so I decided to do the Red Hot Chili Peppers gig at Hyde park, as I had a lot to say about the support act ' Chicks on Speed' who were rubbish, by the way.

The dye didn't work either, I had to go to the hairdressers and pay 拢75 to get it sorted, dam them.

Tuesday 31st June

Popped into school, thought I better show my face as I skived yesterday, I told everyone I had an interview with the 成人快手! Then I actually thought what if I don't get it? Everyone will know. O well. Anyhoo聟.I arrived at the mailbox, it was all very posh! I'm used to good old H&M, not all these fancy designer labels.

I found the place, and there were 3 other people besides me. I would love to say I felt nervous but I strangely didn't, I suppose because it was all so sudden! We all sat round and met our prospective mentor - Sarah, we chatted for a bit then we each went with 'THE BOSS' for our interview. I was last, well; you know what they say- 'save the best till last'.

We went into the Radio WM studio to do it, it was all very swish! Had the interview, I didn't think it went well as I didn't really know what to say and I'm not one to sell myself. Really.

We handed over our articles, well my crumpled, creased piece of paper, which was in a plastic wallet may I add, that didn't work. (I wonder if I could get my money back?)

Well that was it, I went home and received a phone call saying I got the job! Woohoo! I couldn't believe it, these sorts of things don't happen to a soul like me, but yet they did! This all a little clich茅 isn't it!

Friday 16th July and Saturday 17th July

Well well well, what a couple of days this was! Train, train, train, followed by a taxi and then we were there! I suppose I should say where 'there' is, 'there' is Heaten Mount in Bradford, a stately home wanabe building in beautiful green grounds, with a stunning staircase and a massive stained-glass window. It was amazing, it truly was!

We are here for a training weekend, and an introduction to Blast and what we are expected to do. 'We' being all the blast reporters from each area that is taking part.

After looking about and returning to real life, I realised I was standing in the middle of the entrance hall staring into space looking like a complete dipstick! I collected MY key for MY room, with an en-suite may I add, dumped my stuff and the kitchen sink, then went down to explore!

There seemed to be a really wide mix of people which was brill, (brill?? I'm showing my age!) We all had dinner, oooo聟.the food, the food. Compliments to chef by the way, and it was free聟.free food聟mmmm.

We had different sessions; about writing and journalism, photography and we were introduced to the editorial guidelines. I really enjoyed these two days, met new people, got an insight into the different careers and had fun!

We also had individual packs with different contacts and events going on in our area, so I'm going to browse through that now to get some inspiration! I have just got to think of ideas! Easier said than done!

Saturday 24th July

I am sitting at home now, trying to think, think, think. I have an evil stomach at the moment, shouldn't have had that one vodka lemonade and lime last night.

I've spoke to Sarah and we are going to an event called 'Teen Dream' at The Works night club on Monday, my first job! I'm a little scared as lots and lots of 13-18year olds will be there. I think I will be interviewing the acts that are playing too. That will be cool!

Just thinking about it, I've never met anyone remotely famous, oh, I met the Chuckle Brothers once, does that count? Well I'm off to some research! Toodle pip!

week 1

Monday 26th July

Well I have been to 'TeenDreem' tonight and it was wicked! I feel a little ashamed to admit that I had fun at an under 18s disco, but I did! I want to go to the next one, but I doubt any of my friends shall escort me. (They are all usually stuck in the local pub!)

If I do go, one shall not wear her usual 'get up' (H&M), but some booty shaking bling definitely, well聟maybe. It was really good and the music was fun, it was great for a dance! (Damn the commercial-ness has consumed me.)

I went backstage too.聟.yes聟..Get moi! I interviewed JD from So Solid Crew, Oxide and some other people but I cant be bothered to tell you about them now - all of it will be in my article, so don't fear! I felt all special there - I could go wherever I wanted! Well, my Nan has always said I am special, but聟. I'm beginning to ramble now, so I'll let you be. Good night!

Tuesday 27th July

First day in the office, WOW聟the offices are tres bon! I am very impressed, they are all open plan with massive windows and a wicked view! (You can be all nosey see everyone working too) - and there is a water machine that gives you free flavoured water聟.oooo聟!

Sarah has just taken lots and lots of pictures of me and JJ, when I say lots I mean lots! And I apologise now for any discomfort they may cause, especially me in my hoody and frizz hair, trust it to be a bad hair, look, and clothes day!

Ooo聟Underage Rage is an event happening at Robannas studios in Birmingham soon, but they keep moving the date and I'm on holiday next week, I really want to go!! I'm going to see if I can contact one of the bands to get an interview as well.

Thursday 29th July

Hmmm聟.today has possibly been the worst day ever. For starters - the train is late, there is some sort of technical difficulty and travels at about 5mph all the way. I get to Birmingham late; miss the shuttle bus I was supposed to get to Pebble Mill. I am not only late but have to make poor Sarah and JJ wait for the next shuttle bus with me.

The driver nearly kills us, what a rubbish driver, now I know how my driving instructor feels! Went to Pebble Mill to do a 'Health and Safety' interactive video thing. There was only one computer available so me and JJ had to share, just as well really, I would have been brainwashed!

JJ went to get us some chips and lost my purse! Yes in a huge building, he lost my purse with my money and credit card in. I made him go and find it, he did eventually - lucky for him!

Well, then I had a joyous hour journey home and it was raining! My parents are on holiday so I have to cook my own dinner too. (Okay I'll stop moaning now!) - I got into my PJ's had a cuppa and a hobnob to cheer myself up and lay cuddled up on the sofa, bless.

THEN聟..I had a phone call off my auntie to say that her Boyfriend's band has just got signed for a 3 album record deal! There is hope! Yay!


Click to see Roxy's diary for week 2

See JJ's diary here

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