
成人快手 Trust statement on NAO access

Date: 22.09.2010     Last updated: 23.09.2014 at 09.53
Category: Statements
The National Audit Office (NAO) already scrutinises the 成人快手's books as part of regular reviews it carries out for the Trust and it is an important ally in our push to deliver transparency and better value for money for licence fee payers.

Over the past year, we've taken significant steps to open up the NAO's access to 成人快手 information further, in particular by ensuring they have a right of access to confidential contracts, including talent pay. And, following discussions with Government, we can now confirm we have reached agreement with the Government to bolster these arrangements.

We support a move to allow the NAO to choose which areas of 成人快手 operations it will review on an annual basis. In our view, this does not threaten the 成人快手's independence from Government or Parliament, provided that the NAO continues to report to the Trust and does not question editorial decision-making. Subject to further discussion between the Trust and the DCMS, we are confident that this change can be made through amendments to the 成人快手 Agreement within the terms of the existing Charter.