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"That Saturday job at Argos in Stockport gave Penny an eye for detail"
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Penny Haslam |
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Penny Haslam's high profile media career began over seven years ago in the 成人快手's video sales department, flogging Noddy tapes to the Chinese.
But life hadn't always been glamour glamour glamour. That Saturday job at Argos in Stockport gave Penny an eye for detail (all those catalogue numbers) and a heart of gold (Elizabeth Duke jewellery counter). And the time spent as a civil servant, data inputting, taught her patience and a fascinating knowledge of "NUBS2" (the National Unemployment Benefit System 2, dontchooknow).
A couple of years after jamming her foot in the door at the Beeb, Penny joined London's GLR as a reporter - but "hard news" wasn't really her thing - she preferred to chase innocent by-standers down the street with her microphone, in a Dennis Pennis type way. The only way she could manage to keep a straight face during the day, was to slip out at night, and get her fix as a stand up comic.
This short lived comedy infamy made her realize that reading the news and reporting on local events, would eventually lead to a life-time of wearing primary colour jackets and an overly coiffured hair style, so Penny decided to move to the bright lights of 成人快手7 where she can be heard at weekends with drama, comedy and sci-fi.
Penny's favourite shows
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