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Picture This is a 13 part story, written by Doctor Who writer Robert Shearman and ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖÌý7's listeners.
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Episode 7, by Phil Girdlestone
Just then the wind changed direction blowing Deena's hair across her face and into her eyes; her reflexes making her blink, her fear keeping them shut. In her darkness she heard a maelstrom of languages; the admonishing tones of a German father, the high pitched giggling of Japanese schoolgirls. She was dizzy, loosing control, thought after crazy thought pounding through her paranoid mind.
Buffeted by cold wind, supported by cold steel and faced with the impending death of her fiancée, Deena needed to think.
What had happened over the last few days? Yes, the photographs were a bewildering phenomenon but the images themselves proved nothing. Was the future pre-ordained? Did the camera lie? The images only presented possible memories, memories that she could choose to have.
That was it, the light bulb moment; she was still in control of their destiny.
She had to get Gary away from Susan without arousing his suspicions.
Deena ran her fingers through her hair, lifting it from her eyes. Vision restored, she pulled Gary closer to her and planted a kiss on his cheek.
"I love you," Deena whispered as Susan pressed the shutter release. "I want you. Take me to the hotel… now."
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