
Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to common questions about 成人快手 Northern Ireland and its services.

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions site. Here you will find answers to common questions asked about 成人快手 NI and its services.

How can I contact 成人快手NI?

成人快手 Northern Ireland is based at Broadcasting House, Ormeau Avenue, Belfast, BT2 8HQ, phone number 028 9033 8000. Other contact details can be found in the Contact section or at .

News contacts can be found on 成人快手 News NI - getting in touch.

Contact details for the Stephen Nolan Show on 成人快手 Radio Ulster are read out daily on his programme. 

If you wish to contact an individual programme, programme details are contained on the . You could also write, addressing your correspondence to the Producer of the show you wish to contact at the above address.

Why does 成人快手NI sometimes opt out from network programmes?

成人快手NI makes local programmes for local audiences. Because there are a limited number of TV hours per week for local output, some network programmes may occasionally be rescheduled as soon as possible after the network transmission. 

Why do you cancel or move a programme?

We sometimes have to alter our schedules to react to a big news story or an unpredictable change to live coverage. When this happens, we inform our audiences by on-air continuity announcements. We also update our websites when a programme is rescheduled to be broadcast within the coming week.

The information will appear in the guide on the 成人快手 iPlayer website. Audiences can find our local schedule by clicking on to the 成人快手 One or 成人快手 Two logos and selecting "Northern Ireland" in the 'change location' dropdown. 

Missed a TV or radio programme?

You can catch up with our TV programmes on 成人快手 iPlayer. Programmes are usually available for at least seven days after the broadcast.

You can listen to 成人快手 Radio Ulster/Foyle using 成人快手 Sounds through your computer, mobile phone or games console. The majority of our programmes are available on demand for seven days or more after broadcast.

How do I get information about television and radio reception in my area?

Go to  where you can use the postcode checker to get more information.

How can I apply for a job, traineeship or work experience in 成人快手NI?

All vacancies are listed on our careers website .

成人快手NI offers trainee programmes at certain times of the year, details of which can also be found on the 成人快手's careers website.

To search and apply for work experience and placements at the 成人快手 go to the Work Experience page on the 成人快手 Careers website.

How can I become a presenter?

There is no single direct route to becoming a presenter. Most broadcasters start their careers in trainee schemes or through local newspapers, radio, independent production companies or as runners or researchers.

How do I apply for a tour, show or event? 

Broadcasting House is the 成人快手's main production centre in NI. We offer tours and events free of charge. A regular tour will include a visit to our television and radio studios, galleries and continuity suites. Audiences can also apply for free tickets to 成人快手NI shows and events such as Proms in the Park, Children In Need and the Stephen Nolan TV show. To find out more go to .

When is Proms in the Park?

Proms in the Park is an annual event and usually takes place in September. The event is usually promoted a number of weeks in advance on 成人快手NI television and radio services and via local press and listings. It will also be posted on the  website.

How do I make a complaint about 成人快手NI programmes and services?

To send us a comment or make a complaint go to . Complaints specific to NI will be redirected to us via this service.

How do I get a transcript or recording of a programme?

It is not our usual practice to supply transcripts or recordings of programmes. To buy a recording for educational/non-theatrical use (to show programmes in schools or museums or for training purposes), please visit 成人快手 Active. For commercial reuse of programme clips, please visit .

How can I request a personal appearance by an artist?

The 成人快手 does not arrange the personal appearances of its talent, unless they form part of our own promotional activities. If you want an artist or personality to attend an event contact the artist's agent or personal representative.

How do I get information for a school or college project?

The 成人快手 has a rich resource of on-line content which should provide you with the information you need to know about the 成人快手. Additional materials linked to the curriculum needs of local schools can be found at . Unfortunately we do not have the resources to respond to individual requests.

How can I find out about 成人快手 Radio Ulster's programme of outside broadcasts?

Details of 成人快手 Radio Ulster's programme of OBs will be listed on the 成人快手 Radio Ulster website . Details are also usually announced on air and through local newspapers.

Details of how to contact the 成人快手 with a programme idea will be set out in the Commissioning section of this portal.

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