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Last updated at 09:41 BST, Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Reported speech

  • Yaroslav Budanov from Ukraine asks which tenses should be used after reporting verbs.
  • Do you know when we don't change the tense in reported speech?
  • How can a building speak?
  • Chua-Liang Su from Malaysia hoped Roger Woodham would be able to answer this question
  • Anna Slavkova from Bulgaria asks how to use these words in reported speech
  • Roger Woodham advises you to read this explanation
  • Roger Woodham deals with the basic grammar of reported speech
  • Two learners ask about using verbs like 'think' and 'guess' instead of 'say'
  • Roger Woodham tells you when to say 'tell' and 'say'
  • When do we use 'He said to me...' and 'He told me...'? Can we say 'He said me...'?
  • Julie from Argentina asks if she can say 'The boss suggested we left early yesterday.'
  • Find out how to use these words to report what someone said...
  • Using 'wonder'

    Trudi Faulkner-Petrova explains the use of the word 'wonder' in various contexts

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