Quotes from a speech in which the Duchess of Cambridge was compared to a "shop window mannequin" with a "plastic smile" caused controversy in the UK this week. But a closer analysis of British novelist Hilary Mantel's speech reveals a more sympathetic picture.
Finn and Neil explore this topic and look at some of the interesting language used.
This week's question:
How many wives did English King Henry VIII have?
a) four
b) five
c) six
Listen out for the answer at the end of the programme.
The 'plastic' princess?
End of Section
- shop-window mannequin
a life-sized doll used to display clothes in shop windows
- spindle
a thin, wooden rod around which something turns
- extended metaphor
long comparison
- objectification
treating people like objects
- machine-made
made by machine
- emotional incontinence
inability to control one's emotions
- gesture
movement of one's body to express a feeling
- scant
mere, barely
- beheaded
had their heads cut off