
How young is too young to have a baby?

| Thursday, 11 Nov. 2010 | 18:06 - 19:00 GMT

She's ten and she's a mum. An unidentified Romanian girl has given birth in Spain, it's understood that the dad is 13. Despite cries of horror from many parts of the world, her own mother says she's happy about the birth, which she described as "something common in my country".

The girl apparently arrived in the country already pregnant and now authorities in Andalusia are deciding whether to take the child into care. A UN report says 10% of girls in low- and middle-income countries become mothers by the age of 16.

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Lola in Loughborough, UK, emailed - If she’s old enough to menstruate and reproduce, she was not forced in any way to have sex or keep the child and her parents consented then I see nothing wrong with it. There’s a reason we are all individuals our bodies work differently. I didn’t start menstruating till I was 16... I’m just trying to stress individual differences should be respected.

  2. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Shouvik emailed - The age at which women have children is generally related to their level of education and socio-economic background. As the literacy and level of education of women around the world improves, they are starting to put off the age at which they have children, and build their careers/occupations first.

  3. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Daniel emailed - It seems like having a child at 10 or 13 is more acceptable than having sex at these ages, why?

  4. Comment sent via SMS

    Regarding the 10 year old girl who had the baby. This is a child having a child. This is child abuse when a 10 year old has sexual relations. She is a victim. Susan. A canadian in Kabul.

  5. Comment sent via BLOG

    Adelaide on the blog - When will people start seeing all other people as human beings who laugh and cry, enjoy and suffer, just like they do? It should not matter that your belief is different. It should be your similarities that matter.

  6. Comment sent via SMS

    My friend鈥檚 mum married at 13. She often ended up playing with her peers to the annoyance of her in-laws. When she delivered, she would place the baby鈥檚feet on her stomach as she slept so it kicks her while crying to wake her up because she would not hear the crying.She slept too deeply.Margaret Kampala

  7. Comment sent via BLOG

    Ginger on the blog - Lets talk about the ramifications of having a child before you are able to support that child and provide the necessary resources without being subsidized

  8. Comment sent via BLOG

    Milvusvestal on the blog - This is going from the sublime to the ridiculous. There are enough people on this planet already, and goodness knows how many more the girl will produce by the time she's in her mid-30s. I've no doubt social security in Spain will have to support her for years and years

  9. Comment sent via SMS

    What does it say about a cultures attitude to women when it condones child pregnancy. Make no mistake 10 years old in any language is childhood. Simon Florence Italy call etc

  10. Comment sent via BLOG

    Gerhard on the blog - The right age is probly when the Body is ready to bear a child. In our time ofcourse also the mind has to be Ready.In the present time a 10year old is hardly ready in her mind to be a Mother

  11. Comment sent via BLOG

    Francois on the blog - WOW 10 years old is way to young to have a baby she should be in school not pushing out a baby really babies having babies is WRONG

  12. Comment sent via SMS

    This is not an accidental occurence. Early marriage, early childbirth, ilitteracy are common among Romanian Roma and the governemnt should do a whole lot more to tackle this issue: Roma children deserve to lead the life that other European children enjoy. People should have children when they are old andfinancially independent. Ciprian

  13. Comment sent via SMS

    Ten yrs old become a mother? Quite a mystery. It reminds of a ten yrs old girl and her doll. From:CARWOLO PEWU in Liberia

  14. Comment sent via BLOG

    Vicky on the blog - Many are saying it's a cultural thing, but I disagree. The Spanish government pays mothers when they have babies, and these families are using the cultural shield to cover up their true interests - getting money from the government.

  15. Comment sent via BLOG

    Michaela on the blog - I don't understand why we are justifying this by saying things like '25-year-olds have babies and some can't take care of their children either.' That's like saying we should let 10-year-olds drive cars because there are bad 25-year-old drivers.