
On air: Who would you like to be the next Superpower?

| Friday, 10 Oct. 2010 | 18:00 - 19:00 GMT

The Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has told his Indian counterpart, Manmohan Singh that the World's big enough for both India and China to develop.

China is India's largest trading partner; but there are still tensions between the two. Would either be at the top your list when it comes to choosing the next global superpower? Who would you like to see in that role?

Matthew from Texas posted on facebook,

"I wouldn't mind seeing a consolidation of third world countries become a superpower"

Sipho on facebook says,

"between india and china i would pick china.. they have already made their mark.. they have supplied the world with so many products.. i am guessing everyone here failed to run away from having something made by them chinese"

And James in North Carolina posted,

"China appears stronger with less poverty, but India is free and democratic. Also the home of the Buddha, a great teacher of Peace. If China is superpower, we may end up politically like in the sci-fi series Firefly. If India is superpower, we may end up culturally like Star Trek"

But not everyone thinks that China past performance is an indicator of future power.

Other people are questioning whether China or India is a good role model for the developing world?

On today's show we're going to broadcasting live from Delhi. Long time listeners to World have Your Say will remember that the first voice ever heard on the programme was Anu Anand. She is returning to the presenter's chair today, as it's our 5th birthday.

Your comments

  1. Comment sent via MSGBOARD

    pharmagossip tweets - Planning a lovely wedding in the Maldives? Think again

  2. Comment sent via Twitter

    The Maldives relies on other peoples goodwill 4their existence becoz tourism is their main industry & climate change their problem

  3. Comment sent via Facebook

    Philip wrote on Facebook - Do the Maldives really need a self-inflicted black eye after pledging to go climate-neutral last year?

  4. Comment sent via Facebook

    Mark wrote on Facebook - It was totally inappropriate and unnecessary behaviour. It's not a Maldives matter though, there are countless idiots around the globe who will happily abuse strangers, especially if they don't know the language.

  5. Comment sent via Facebook

    Tim posts on Facebook - This incident flips back and forth between hilarious and serious. It's an okay joke to mock people who don't understand your language, it's funny sort of. It takes nerve. What makes it less funny is the religious hatred involved.

  6. Comment sent via MSGBOARD

    myview2009 wrote on CNN - I totally love this story. It was almost hilarious. Why would anybody on this earth want to renew/get married in a language they do not understand?! It's ludicrous!

  7. Comment sent via Facebook

    Lisa from the US wrote on our Facebook page - Sure, you can insult the tourists. But then you have no right to complain when they stop coming and pumping their dollars into your economy.

  8. Comment sent via Facebook

    Nadene posts on our Facebook page - This couple had their wedding day - a sacred day for any couple - ruined. A day they had probably saved hard to pay for. What could possibly be funny about that? Anyone who thinks it is funny is simply ignorant and mean spirited.

  9. Comment sent via host

    On Air talking about the video of the couple in the Maldives now. What do you think of it?

  10. Comment sent via Facebook

    Sakriya posted on Facebook - My Country, Nepal, borders both China and India but i don't think i want both of them to be the next super power. They both are ruining our country and we're going nowhere if they become super power.

  11. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Srinivas emailed World Have Your Say - I hope there is no superpower. When the UK was a super power, it colonized and plundered the world. When the United States and Russia were at loggerheads, they tore the world apart.

  12. Comment sent via Facebook

    Michael in the US posts on our Facebook page - In many respects, it comes down to population. The sheer numbers of China assure its ascendancy on the world scene.

  13. Comment sent via MSGBOARD

    Max in Singapore called World Have Your Say - Definitely not China. It shouldn't be a country with no history of democratic principles, it would be an insult.

  14. Comment sent via SMS

    China is not the next superpower. They are the current superpower. With all of the usa鈥檚 military power, china just needs to call in their debt to shut them down Paul Trinidad

  15. Comment sent via Facebook

    Salil writes on Facebook - China becoming superpower is a forgone conclusion. But as a political entity, China is not mature yet.

  16. Comment sent via Facebook

    Satish posts on Facebook - Jiabao is rite in saying world is big enough for India and China, however his intentions do not match with his words. We want a balance of power in south Asia. But there is no doubt China will play a dominating role in decades to come.

  17. Comment sent via Twitter

    re: next Superpower? Neither India isn't even a leader in South Asia let alone the world What is Chinas mission statement ?

  18. Comment sent via Facebook

    Gordon in the US posted on Facebook - Its a moot point, look at military spending. The USA is going to be the main superpower for a long time yet.

  19. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Kimanns emailed World Have Your Say - I believe superpower is a horifically outdated term that suggests a contest between nations in a world that with technology has grown so small, it needs to be seen as a single community of mankind. Unless we -- all these competing nations -- can overcome this win/lose/top dog mindset, we are destined not to evolve but to eventually destroy ourselves.

  20. Comment sent via YOURSAY

    Dungaree Adam in the US emails - I want Sweden or Finland to be the next superpower. They are democratic and make fine things from steel. If not them then India because the are democratic, have Imran Khan (the next Brad Pit), and already speak English (the language of science) all over the country.

  21. Comment sent via Facebook

    Keshav in India writes on Facebook I would like India to be the superpower because India is the best country of the world.

  22. Comment sent via Facebook

    Carruthers in Ghana comments on Facebook - Neither of the two. The world's super power should continue to be America, in spite of all their shortcomings, they are doing a very good job that no one else wants to do.

  23. Comment sent via Facebook

    Sipho posts on Facebook - Between India and China i would pick China. They have already made their mark. They have supplied the world with so many products.

  24. Comment sent via host

    On air now talking about who will be the next superpower, India or China?