
Is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a man the West can work with?

| Friday, 9 Sept. 2010 | 18:06 - 19:00 GMT

"As abhorrent and delusional as they are predictable". The US response to claims by the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the US government was behind the 9/11 attacks. He made the claims whilst addressing the UN General Assembly in New York. The US delegation walked out and was joined by representatives from all the EU countries, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Costa Rica.

It comes just just hours after US President Barack Obama seemed to take a softer line with Iran than often in the past.

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    Owen - The only way to deal with this maniac is to get General Franks from retirement to head Operation Shock and Awe 2.

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    Liban from Ohio emailed - The UN should never allow this pulpit to anyone using offensive language. As an American - I would prefer we stand with the Iranian populace and hope they depose this so called Leader who is irrational and does not feel the pain being inflicted by the West on his People under sanctions.

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    Phillip Kirya - the west should talk to him. If Micheal Moore can challange the authenticity of 9/11. Why can't the president of Iran do the same?

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    Basiru Mohammed - What do you mean the west should deal with him what happen to free speech.

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    Vijay Parmar - West should not deal with Iran now because it will create chaos in the world they should discuss with each other and find the solution of this kind of serious matter

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    Ocom Chris - For goodness sake who is stupid enough to accept Mahmoud's allegations how can America the most proud country turn against its people its very impossible i wish i could deal with him personally because his speech seemed like for a grade two kid.

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    John Siwale - West should just ignore that tyrant if wants them to do that and escalate the already rough waters. There are no nukes there to warrant a full offensive attack. He's just looking for a scapegoat and if the west goes on to attack then they are as foolish as he is, which he actually is itching for.

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    Dun Birekyeraho - The world should deal [rationally] with the issues that the Iranian leader raises. He isn't insane, so his statements should be analysed in a sober, non-defensive style.

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    Denise in San Francisco emailed - How hypocritical can the U.S. get? The U.S. has the biggest arms cache and it is the biggest arms dealer. Not to mention its terrorists activities all over the world.

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    Tyerno in Brussels emailed - Ahmadinejad is leading a sick regime and as such he constantly needs to provoke or create an external enemy in order to increase internal legitimacy.

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    Wes Waters - It is free speech. But we don't have to give him the forum to be so nonsensical. let him speak his mind and those who see his nonsense for what it is will also walk out.

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    Daniel emailed - Let the president of Iran say what he wants, freedom of speech is for all, but the second he takes wrong action, he's a dead man and he knows it

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    Kirumira Kikonyogo - The world is full of knowledge! Both IRAN and the US should talk!

  14. Comment sent via SMS

    Hello, Do you think that there is a more important event than the eleventh of september?!!

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    Arnold Andrew Ntantaala in Lusaka - The world will always have people like him, so let's just learn how to live with such people.