There are few politicians and public figures who aren't speaking out against the proposed burning of the Koran at a small church in Gainesville, Florida this weekend, on the anniversary of 9/11. President Obama, The US Afghan commander General David Petraeus, The former British Prime Minster Tony Blair, The Pope, Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, Sarah Palin, even Kurt Westergaard, the DANISH cartoonist who sparked Muslim outrage in 2006 with a drawing of the Prophet Mohammed with a bomb for a turban, said it is going too far.
Is it understandable that Muslims around the world feel angry by what he's planning to do? Would there be similar outrage if Muslims were burning the bible? Or should this be viewed in the same way as President Obama sees it, as a "stunt?"
Herbert Paul - Its imposible to ignore bcoz islams rival is christianity and has Shaken the whitehouse.
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Keith in Cleveland on the blog - A stunt, plain and simple. I hope that everyone can see it that way- I don't think twice about anyone burning a flag. I hope everyone is reasonable enough to understand that his opinions do not reflect those of America as a whole.
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Lubna in Baghdad on the blog - In the Holy Quran Allah says to the Prophet Muhammed : ''Stay away from the ignorant''... I rest my case!
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R Calabraro on the blog - This is a non-story that was bound to produce synergy between a self-aggrandizing religious extremist and a news media that thrives on outrage. Shame on the pastor, shame on the media, and shame on the 成人快手.
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Allison in Los Angeles on the blog - Why can't we ignore Mr. Jones? Because a man and his 50 followers have the potential to send the world into a tail spin. This man is doing this for publicity, to raise money, and keep his church. Going extremely radical will get the money flowing.
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Chintan in Houston on the blog - I am going to ignore the pastor and further more news on this silly act by him by not listening in to the show today.
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Gary, Indiana, on the blog - This question falls into the category of "Why can't people ignore a pimple on their, or anyone else's nose?" I can’t ignore this guy because he says and does things that hurt my soul. Why others can't ignore him I have no idea.
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Tara Balance on the blog - The real story, to me, is that Pastor Jones's bigotry and hatred has united so many people (Obama and Palin?!) in condemning his actions. Is there a way for us to use this as the basis for building bridges to the Muslim world?
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Haidarr in Mauritius emailed - This disgraceful act is irritating all Muslims - and when we will try to defend the Koran, people will call us terrorist, violent etc. There is still time - avoid doing it or war will be made!
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Pat emailed - Pastor Jones is trying to cause a riot - do not let him.
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Luisa - It's hard to ignore someone whose opinions/actions are so repugnant to so many. So he's getting his moment in the spotlight; we're getting our moment to revile him.
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Mushin - Those who demonstrate are not overeacting! In Islam if you see such a blasphemous act, you fight it if you can, or talk against it.
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Bryan - This could be a great opportunity for Muslims to show their moderation. Don't use one man's stupidity as an excuse for violence, as was done after the Danish cartoons.
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We''re live on air now - listen here:
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Hello! Ben S here. Today on World Have Your Say, we''re asking - why can''t people ignore Pastor Terry Jones? The Pastor is planning to burn a Koran on the anniversary of 9/11, resulting in protests across the world. But should he be getting this much attention?
Why can't people ignore Pastor Terry Jones?
| Thursday, 9 Sept. 2010 | 18:00 - 19:00 GMT
There are few politicians and public figures who aren't speaking out against the proposed burning of the Koran at a small church in Gainesville, Florida this weekend, on the anniversary of 9/11. President Obama, The US Afghan commander General David Petraeus, The former British Prime Minster Tony Blair, The Pope, Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, Sarah Palin, even Kurt Westergaard, the DANISH cartoonist who sparked Muslim outrage in 2006 with a drawing of the Prophet Mohammed with a bomb for a turban, said it is going too far.
Is it understandable that Muslims around the world feel angry by what he's planning to do? Would there be similar outrage if Muslims were burning the bible? Or should this be viewed in the same way as President Obama sees it, as a "stunt?"
Your comments
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Herbert Paul - Its imposible to ignore bcoz islams rival is christianity and has Shaken the whitehouse.
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Keith in Cleveland on the blog - A stunt, plain and simple. I hope that everyone can see it that way- I don't think twice about anyone burning a flag. I hope everyone is reasonable enough to understand that his opinions do not reflect those of America as a whole.
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Lubna in Baghdad on the blog - In the Holy Quran Allah says to the Prophet Muhammed : ''Stay away from the ignorant''... I rest my case!
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R Calabraro on the blog - This is a non-story that was bound to produce synergy between a self-aggrandizing religious extremist and a news media that thrives on outrage. Shame on the pastor, shame on the media, and shame on the 成人快手.
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Allison in Los Angeles on the blog - Why can't we ignore Mr. Jones? Because a man and his 50 followers have the potential to send the world into a tail spin. This man is doing this for publicity, to raise money, and keep his church. Going extremely radical will get the money flowing.
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Chintan in Houston on the blog - I am going to ignore the pastor and further more news on this silly act by him by not listening in to the show today.
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Gary, Indiana, on the blog - This question falls into the category of "Why can't people ignore a pimple on their, or anyone else's nose?" I can’t ignore this guy because he says and does things that hurt my soul. Why others can't ignore him I have no idea.
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Tara Balance on the blog - The real story, to me, is that Pastor Jones's bigotry and hatred has united so many people (Obama and Palin?!) in condemning his actions. Is there a way for us to use this as the basis for building bridges to the Muslim world?
Comment sent via YOURSAY
Haidarr in Mauritius emailed - This disgraceful act is irritating all Muslims - and when we will try to defend the Koran, people will call us terrorist, violent etc. There is still time - avoid doing it or war will be made!
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Pat emailed - Pastor Jones is trying to cause a riot - do not let him.
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Luisa - It's hard to ignore someone whose opinions/actions are so repugnant to so many. So he's getting his moment in the spotlight; we're getting our moment to revile him.
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Mushin - Those who demonstrate are not overeacting! In Islam if you see such a blasphemous act, you fight it if you can, or talk against it.
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Bryan - This could be a great opportunity for Muslims to show their moderation. Don't use one man's stupidity as an excuse for violence, as was done after the Danish cartoons.
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We''re live on air now - listen here:
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Hello! Ben S here. Today on World Have Your Say, we''re asking - why can''t people ignore Pastor Terry Jones? The Pastor is planning to burn a Koran on the anniversary of 9/11, resulting in protests across the world. But should he be getting this much attention?