Last updated: 23 march, 2009 - 11:48 GMT

21/02/2009 - The Forum

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Ruth Padel, acclaimed writer, poet and great, great grand-daughter of Charles Darwin, on the idea that the direction of his scientific enquiries was massively bound up with his experience of his own personal relationships - as much as Galapagos finches, Darwin's close studies of his own children, gave rise to his ideas on variation, inheritance and survival of the fittest.

Manil Suri, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Maryland Baltimore County and novelist, on how the discovery of basis functions have allowed mathematicians to deal with the infinite and by putting a wiggle in your linear basis function there's nothing much you can't build, be it a bridge, a story or a space shuttle.

Andrea Sabbadini, psychoanalyst and chair of the European Psychoanalytic Film Festival, on how the open-ended nature of our closest family relationships can be both liberating and threatening and how the way cinema uses time helps us understand this.

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