For years, Mercedes de Dunewic's mother
would light a memorial candle for the victims of the slaughter at Majdanek.
She never really knew why.
It was in March 1942 that 60,000 Slovac
Jews were forcible marched to Majdanek, a concentration camp built by
the Nazis.
In June 1944 the Soviet army liberated
the camp, but they were to find that 1.6m Slovac Jews had met their deaths.
The pain of death is real in the de Dunewic
family. Mercedes' mother lost two second cousins in Majdenek, and although
not knowing them, it was for them that she would light the candles as
a memorial.
But now, on Holocaust Remembrance Day
on the 27th January, Mercedes continues the remembrance ritual by lighting
two candles for two young faceless victims of the slaughter.
It's Mercedes' plan to go to Majdanek
to visit the remains of the concentration camp, but meantime, it's just
her memorial candle that keeps the flame of life alive in remembrance.
on this film