
Fancy having some noisy fun with your baby? All you need is some clean, empty jam jars, a spoon and a tap!

Watch the film below to find out how to make a jam jar xylophone.

How to make the most of this activity

What you'll need to make your jam jar xylophone

  • Water
  • Glass jars
  • Various food colourings
  • Spoons

Once you have all your ingredients, simply fill each of the glass jars with a different amount of water - that way, they'll make a slightly different sound! If you want to make things more interesting, add a different food colouring to each jar. Once that's done, get your spoons, start tapping and make some music with your little one!

  • As you play, talk to your baby about what they're doing - use words like 'loud', 'quiet' and 'noisy'.
  • If you're using food colouring, name the different colours of the water.
  • Encourage your little one to repeat the names of the colours to you.
  • Practise taking turns with your child by saying 'your turn, my turn'. This simple activity promotes great listening skills and encourages your child to follow simple instructions.

When playing, make sure your baby is under close supervision at all times and be careful when hitting glass jars with spoons. In the case of any breakages, make sure that your child is kept well away from the area until all glass is cleared away.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 4, A jar half-filled with water., Pour water into different jam jars.

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