
You can start reading books with your little one from the moment they're born - even if they can't understand everything yet, it's great to start them hearing new words.

Books are also a perfect opportunity to start talking about how things feel, as well as naming what they are.

Whether they鈥檙e grabbing your finger or chewing on the edges of their cot, from the moment your baby is born, they are eager to explore the world around them through touch.

Talking about how things feel, as well as naming what they are, will help your baby to learn language. You can start at any age and you can use anything.

See Alison and her son Austin do just that.

Babies love to learn through talk and touch. A book can be a great prop, but you can use all sorts of everyday objects with interesting textures.

Try talking to your baby the next time you notice something they can't keep their hands off.

Want to find out more? Why not check out our handy explainer on sensory play and why it's great for language development?

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, Alison looking at a book with baby Austin., Babies love to learn through talk and touch.

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