
Sensory play is a huge part in the development of your baby.

Right from birth babies are processing loads of new information through the use of their senses. The exploration of new textures, materials and toys are a great way of helping them make sense of the world around them.

The little sensory box on this page will help your baby explore the world around them through touch and they'll learn loads of new words on the way.

How to make a sensory box

Preparation time

This baby sensory box takes around 15 minutes to prepare.

To make your sensory box, you will need:

  • An empty cardboard box
  • 6 different materials
  • Glue or tape
  • Scissors


1. Choose 6 types of material from around the house. This could be cotton wool, empty egg cartons, a sponge, an old towel, balls of scrunched up paper, or anything else with a unique texture.

2. Tape or glue each material to one side of the cardboard box. It doesn't have to look pretty, as long as the materials are secure.

3. Once all the sides are covered, it's time to play. Chat to your baby about what they can feel and follow their lead. Which side of the box is their favourite?

Top Tip for making the4 most of your sensory box

As your child gets older, you can teach them more and more words with the same sensory box. For example "a sponge" can become a "bouncy sponge", or even a "yellow bouncy sponge".

The more you play, the more they'll learn!

Keep and eye on your little one at all times during craft activities and playtime. Remember to keep small and sharp objects out of baby's reach.

Step 1: Gather 6 types of material from around the house
Step 2: Tape or glue each material to one side of the cardboard box
Step 3: Once all the sides are covered, it's time to play.

What to put in a baby sensory box

While the sensory box on this page puts sensory experiences on the outside of a box, you can also make a sensory "bin" at home. This is is basically a box full of age-appropriate sensory items for your child.

But what kind of items should you put in a sensory box? We've listed a few items as well as videos from Giovanna and Nigel from The Baby Club, who share some top tips to get you started with each item:

  • A toothbrush is a great sensory toy, even if your baby doesn't have teeth yet.
  • How about a kitchen sponge? It's a great workout for your baby.
  • Turn old magazines and junk mail into sensory playtime.
  • Use vegetables for your sensory box - if you remember to clear them out once in a while!
  • Pick up some sticks on your next walk and pop them in your sensory bin.
  • Big or small, woolly or silky, it doesn't matter what type of scarf you own. They're all great for sensory play.

If you're still looking for more items to put into your baby sensory box, why not check out our full Baby Club collection page with loads more sensory object ideas for your baby.

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