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13 November 2014

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You are in: Beds Herts and Bucks > Places > Places Features > It's udderly ridiculous!!!

It's udderly ridiculous!!!

Milton Keynes is world renowned for its concrete cows… now reports suggest a new addition to the herd may be on the loose!

The concrete calf in Stony Stratford

³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Three Counties Radio listener Kitty reported seeing the lone calf on the side of the road in Stony Stratford last weekend.

It was then spotted later in the week by a member of the public near the town's tennis courts.

No one appears to know how it got there, where it came from, or why it decided to stop and graze at the tennis club!Ìý

Morning:MK presenter Helen Legh spoke to John Skinner, the Head Coach of Stony Stratford Tennis Club to find out if he can shed any light on the mystery…

Listen here:

Have you seen the concrete calf - do you know where has it has mooooooved to now?Ìý

last updated: 08/05/2009 at 11:25
created: 08/05/2009

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Emma Carter and family
We saw it earlier this week in Stony Stratford High Street... the kids wanted to take it home and put it in the garden!

Turn the udder cheek and mooo-ve on.

Martyn, MK
Perhaps he thought the grass was greener on the other side of MK!

Best get back to the herd...Im sure it must be pasture bedtime lol

Mark in Bletchley
Fantastic.... good to see there are still people out there with a sense of humour!

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