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13 November 2014

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On cloud nine?

Fancy a 'no frills' wedding??

Couples could literally soon be on 'cloud nine' if airline EasyJet’s bid to marry couples in-flight is successful.

Bedfordshire based airline EasyJet has applied for a licence which would enable passengers in a hurry to marry en route to their honeymoon!

The plan would see the captain hand over to the co-pilot once airborne, then officiate over the wedding at the front of the jet.

Inside an EasyJet Aircraft

You could be walking down this aisle...

The company said it was inspired by a growing interest amongst couples for more and more extraordinary marriage locations, such as under water, during parachute jumping, or even on a rollercoaster!

Andrew McConnell from EasyJet told the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ: "We've had loads of requests from people looking for different and more unique ways of getting married!

"One of our pilots is already licensed to perform marriage ceremonies, which he does privately at various locations across the country, and now we're looking at ways to expand that to in-flight on our aircraft.

"We've made an application to Luton Borough Council and are now just waiting to hear what they have to say…" said Andrew.

Duty Free

Stock up on the bubbly here!

Although the accepted image of a cruise liner captain marrying a couple is considered one of the most romantic scenarios, the possibility of tying the knot at 30,000 feet also appears to hold some appeal for the more adventurous couples!

Paul Simmons, EasyJet’s UK regional general manager, said: "We’re excited about these plans.Ìý If there is the opportunity, our pilots could soon be marrying couples in the air.

"If our request is replied positively, then we can offer another special service to our passengers."

A Luton Borough Council spokesman said: "We have only just received a letter from Easyjet and will be responding in due course.

Listen to the full interview with Andrew McConnell here:

last updated: 07/05/2009 at 13:50
created: 06/05/2009

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Would you consider marrying your loved one on an EasyJet flight?

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Paul, Luton
What a brilliant idea!!! Not sure what the other half would think tho..

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