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Plug pulled on Bath Road

Luton Borough Council has decided that land at Bath Road Swimming Pool should be sold off.

The decision means that campaigners who wanted the dilapidated facility to remain haven't got their way.Ìý Paula Bennett is one of many people from Luton who says that the Council has ignored the wishes of the people...

Luton Swimming Pool

The Bath Road Swimming Pool is to be sold off.

"According to a survey carried out by Luton Borough Council, over 70% of the people in Luton wanted the pool to remain on the Bath Road site, I really think the Council should have done more to consider the wishes of the people of Luton" said Paula.

Paula continued: "It has become obvious that the Council are determined to sell the land - come what may.Ìý The site has been sold and we now have to concentrate on where in the town they are going to put the new pool."

Listen to the full interview with Paula Bennett on ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Three Counties Radio here:

Luton Borough Council has confirmed that people living in the town will have a say on plans for a new 50 metre pool.

So where will the new pool be built?

The Council's Chief Executive, Kevin Crompton, explained...

"In the first instance, we need to complete our technical appraisal. What we want to do this time, is make sure that when we go to the public with our proposals to deliver the 50 metre pool, we want to make sure that we have a viable proposition that can be put into practice.

"We're being very careful in our research [to find a suitable site].Ìý It's a big project – a pool of this size requires a great deal of capital and indeed money to run it, so it will be a difficult project to deliver.

"In Luton we are limited on the number of areas we can use, but this Administration is determined to deliver a new pool and our officers are working towards this."

Listen to the full interview with Kevin Crompton, the Chief Executive of Luton Borough Council, on ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Three Counties Radio here:

The pool continues to remain open to the public.

Will you be sorry to see the swimming pool at Bath Road go?Ìý Where should the new pool be sited?Ìý Have your say here...

last updated: 17/07/2008 at 13:28
created: 03/06/2008

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this pool is amazing, i used to go there evry week with friendsit cant goi will be so sad

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