
In the final session of the unit the children consider the shapes created by two real-life artists in their work.

3. Patter in an artist's world

In the final session of the unit the children consider the shapes created by two real-life artists in their work. These are Andy Goldsworthy (b 1956), a sculptor who specialises in working with natural objects in natural settings and Victor Vasarely (1906-1997), a painter specialising in 'Op art' - or 'Optical art.'


Download the audio for this dance session as an mp3 file.

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Guidance on using the dance sessions in this unit with your group (pdf)

Teacher's Notes

1: Warm up: Creating body shapes based on pebbles, shells, twigs, driftwood.

2: Group asymmetrical sculpture: Group work creating a large asymmetrical sculpture.

3: Symmetrical shapes: Revising work on symmetrical shapes in the man-made world.

4: Group symmetrical sculpture: Group work creating a large symmetrical sculpture.

5: Cool down: Controlled stretching and breathing exercises in symmetrical and asymmetrical body shapes.

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