
Exploring the life of a skilled slave working for an architect in Ancient Rome and hoping for his freedom.

8. The slave and the architect

Julia introduces a third narrative episode, this time about a slave called Josephus working for an architect called Commodus. Josephus is a skilled slave, who can both read and write. He also receives a peculium, a small payment which he can save and one day use to buy his freedom.

Commodus has won a new contract - to build a bath-house. He shares the plans with Josephus and describes the various rooms of the bath-house and their functions. Josephus is impressed and asks if slaves will be allowed inside. Commodus replies they will be - but only to work, not to bathe.

When Josephus remarks that Rome couldn't function without slaves Commodus accuses him of speaking life Spartacus, a former soldier and slave who became a gladiator and who led a slave uprising against the Romans.

Commodus wonders why Josephus is currently so preoccupied with his freedom and Josephus replies that he has met someone he wishes to marry - but, while still a slave, he is not permitted to do so. Commodus tells Josephus he's far too valuable to lose right now and that he'll have more to look forward to when he eventually gains his freedom.

Duration: 3' 58"

Final words: '鈥es, master. All in good time.'

Video questions

  • What is the name of the slave in the story? (Josephus)
  • What is a peculium? (A small amount of money that the slave can save and eventually use to buy freedom)
  • What is the name of the architect in the story? (Commodus)
  • What building is Commodus going to design? (A new bath-house)
  • Can you name any of the rooms in the bath-house that Commodus mentions? (Apodyterium for changing; gymnasium - for exercise; caldarium - the hot room; laconicum - the steam room; tepidarium - a cooler room; frigidarium - cold water)
  • What jobs will slaves be required to do at the bath-house? (Look after the clothes; keep the fires stoked)
  • What former soldier and slave do they talk about? (Spartacus)
  • Why is Josephus currently unable to marry? (Because he is a slave and slaves were not able to marry legally)

This film is relevant for teaching History within the National Curriculum at KS2 in England and Northern Ireland and equivalent levels in Scotland and Wales.

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Further resources

Download / print the Teacher Notes prepared in partnership with Classroom Secrets (pdf)

Teacher Notes

Click to download / print the episode transcript


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