
Video summary

Schoolboy Oscar meets Paralympic gold medallist Helena Lucas, to find out about her job as a competitive sailor.

He sees around her boat and interviews her about how she started sailing and what it was like to win gold.

An animated timeline shows us how sport has developed through the centuries, from Ancient Greece to the modern day.

The clip focuses on Maud Watson, the first woman to win Wimbledon (in 1884 and again in 1885), at a time when sport was a hobby not a job.

This is compared to present-day British Wimbledon champion Andy Murray, who plays professionally.

We also see an archive clip of British Olympic gold medallist Tessa Sanderson being filmed at her day job in an office, and talking about her exhausting training schedule after work.

The clip highlights the hard work and commitment needed to achieve in sport.

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Teacher Notes

Key Stage 1:

History - Helps address the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.

Some of the clip could be used to compare aspects of life in different periods. Look at how the clothing and equipment of the sportspeople have changed through time. This would be an exciting part of a wider study of the Olympic Games, Paralympics or Commonwealth Games, noting the changes in various sports equipment.

Science 鈥 Study the materials used in sports equipment noting how the characteristics of the chosen materials suit the uses and demands placed upon them e.g. how the earliest lady tennis players wore long dresses 鈥 how would this hinder their movement etc.?

Compare with the clothing worn by the footballers in training with their bright yellow, lightweight, waterproof, sweat-proof, breathable jackets.

Physical Education 鈥 One of the purposes of study of the new curriculum for P.E. is to build character. Discuss fears associated with various outdoor activities.

Modern Studies - Discuss how they feel when they are proud of an achievement and which sporting achievement they would like to aim for.

Key Stage 2:

History 鈥 One of the achievements of the Ancient Greeks and their influence on the Western world was the Olympic Games. Children could study the History of the Games and other global sporting events, using a range of historical sources of information, to produce an exhibition to show how sport has changed chronologically.

Every child could produce presentation materials on a different significant sportsperson of the past, or of the development of a sport through time.

They could present their own perspective and judgements on their choice and selection, using evidence to back up claims.

Physical Education 鈥 Children can take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team.

They can discuss ways of meeting and overcoming any challenges in whatever form they take, as shown in the interviews with the sportspeople in the film.

A key idea would be to illustrate that P.E. as with any subject, needs working at to improve performance. Compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.

Children could produce posters with coaching tips to help others in the school achieve their personal best in P.E.

This clip will be relevant for teaching History and Modern Studies (careers) at KS1 and KS2 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and 1st and 2nd Level in Scotland.

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