
Video summary

In this video narrated by presenter Maddie Moate, a group of children take a trip to a Space Centre to find out all about our planet, how it works and why we have things such as the seasons.

During their visit, they also find out about day and night, how long it takes the Earth to spin, what the moon is and how we see the moon at night.

Space expert Dr Becky Smethurst answers the question: If the Sun is always in the same place, why do we see it move across the sky?

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Teacher notes

Discussion points:

1. The Earth

  • What colours make up the Earth and what does each colour show?
  • How does the Earth move around the sun and what does this cause?
  • Ask pupils to think about why facing the sun causes warmer, brighter times and facing away causes cooler, darker times.

2. The Moon

  • What is a moon? Do all planets have a moon or moons?
  • How many moons does the Earth have?
  • Discuss reflection of the sun鈥檚 light and how the moon reflects this which makes it visible at night.

3. Gravity

  • What is gravity and what does this do?
  • Which item pulls the Earth and causes it to orbit around it?
  • How long does it take the Earth to orbit the sun and why do we have a leap year every four years?

4. Seasons

  • Discuss why we have seasons and why the tilt of the earth causes these.
  • What are the key characteristics of the seasons and what do humans do differently during each season?

Suggested activities:

1. Investigating gravity

  • After discussion gravity and what it does, consider how we can stop things falling to the ground, how can we create stronger push than pull forces.
  • Can pupils use magnets and paperclips to defy gravity and make a small paper rocket clipped onto the paper clip float?

2. Diary of Earth

  • Following learning from the video about planet Earth, can pupils write a diary entry as the planet, exploring what it feels and looks like as the seasons and time of the year changes.
  • Pupils to share their diary entries and discuss key messages from these.

3. Earth art

  • Following discussions about the colours that make up the Earth, can pupils create their own collage/piece of artwork based on the Earth, showing the colours of the planet.
  • Discuss and share these pieces of work and why the colours used were chosen.

4. Seasonal poetry

  • After watching the video and seeing the explorer鈥檚 example, can pupils create their own poem on the seasons.
  • Share and appraise works and discuss interpretations of these poems created.

Curriculum notes:

  • This video aligns with Science in the National Curriculum in England, Northern Ireland, and 1st Level in Scotland.
  • It also supports the Science and Technology Area of Learning and Experience within the Curriculum for Wales.
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What is the Solar System? video

This video explores the key characteristics of each planet within our solar system.

What is the Solar System?

How do we explore space? video

In this video a group of children learn all about those who have explored space in the past and what they found out.

How do we explore space?
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