NOTE: THIS PATTERN IS COPY RIGHT BUT MAY BE USED FOR NICU PURPOSES ONLY Any unauthorized use, reproduction or sale of the knitting patterns is strictly prohibited. You may use this website and the knitting patterns for limited non-commercial, educational and personal use only. If you need clarification, email the team: *** Use3.25 needles on bands and 3.75 for knitting. It is a little open laced but is pretty for a baby who is now at home Back Cast on 37stRib 8 rowsKnit pattern to 7 1/2 inches from beginningCast off. Right Front Cast on 22stRib 8 rowsKnit pattern to 4 inches place markers each side of last row now start V neck shaping, keeping arm hole straight, decrease at beginning of next and every 4th row starting with right side facing, until 15 st remainCast off Left Front Cast on 22 stRib 8 rowsKnit pattern to 4 inches place mark each of last row, Shape Vee neck by decreasing next and every 4th row whilst keeping armhole straight until 15 st remainCast off Sleeve Cast on 25 stRib 8 rowsKnit 4 rows patternIncrease each end of next and every 4* row until 35 st.Continue in pattern until work measures 4 inchesCast off Pattern 1. Kl, * YF, SLIP 1, Kl, PSSO, Kl, K2 TOG, YF, Kl , REP FROM *TO END OF ROW 2. PURL EVERY ALT ROW 3. K2, * YF, SLIP 1, K2 TOG, PSSO, YF, K3, YF, SLIP 1, K2 TOG, PSSO, YF,K3 REP FROM *TO END OF ROW ENDING KNIT 2 INSTEAD OF KNIT 3 FOR A BOY YOU CAN PUT ANY PATTERN YOU DESIRE ON HERE OR STRIPES AND EVEN PLAIN HAPPY KNITTING DENNY KELLY |