NOTE: Any unauthorized use, reproduction or sale of the knitting patterns is strictly prohibited. You may use this website and the knitting patterns for limited non-commercial, educational and personal use only. If you need clarification, email the team: *** MATERIALS You will need 1 pr of 3.5mm (size 10) needles, Approx 1/2 oz baby/3ply yarn. INSTRUCTIONS Cast on 33 sts loosely (use a slightly larger needle if you like to cast on and off with). Work a K1,P1 rib for 10 rows. Eyelet row: K1, * YO, K2tog * . Repeat from *'s to end. P next row. Divide for instep: K 22 sts, turn, P back over 11 sts. Continue in Stocking Sticth for the next 14 rows on center 11 sts. Break off yarn Sides: Pick up 7 sts on right side of instep, K 11 sts of instep, pick up 7 sts on left side of instep, K11 sts to complete row - 47 sts.听 Work 9 rows in stocking stitch. ( It'll be a little tight till you get a few rows up from the instep.) Heel and toe shaping:Row 1: K2, K2tog, K17, K2tog, K1, K2tog, K to endRow 2: K2, K2tog, K to end.听Row 3: K2, K2tog, K15, K2tog, K1, K2tog, K to endRow 4: K2, K2tog, K to end.听Row 5: K2, K2tog, K13, K2tog, K1, K2tog, K to endRow 6: K2, K2tog, K to end.听 Bind off loosely. Finishing: Sew back/sole seam. Crochet a chain 16" long. Thread chain thru eyelets. |