NOTE: Any unauthorized use, reproduction or sale of the knitting patterns is strictly prohibited. You may use this website and the knitting patterns for limited non-commercial, educational and personal use only. If you need clarification, email the team: *** Using 4 ply Yarn and No 10 needles. If using DK use size 8 needles Finished garment weighs approx 20grm 4 ply or 30 grm DK. BACK Cast on 41 stitches and knit 6 rows in garter stitch ( every row knit)Work 24 rows in stocking stitch ( Knit 1 row, purl 1 row) or any small patternNext row:-Shape Armhole.Cast off 2 stitches at the beginning of the next two rows (37sts)Next Row:-Work in stocking stitch or pattern for a further 24 rows.Next row:- Cast off. LEFT FRONT Cast on 21 stitches and knit 6 rows in garter stitchNext row:- Work in stocking stitch ( or pattern) for 24 rowsShape Armhole and NeckNext row:- Cast of 2 stitches at the beginning of the row (19 sts)Next row:- PurlNext row:- Knit 2 together at neck edge only and on every following fourth row until 13 stitches remain.Next row:- Work straight for another 3 rows (24 rows in all from end of armhole shaping) Cast Off. RIGHT FRONT Work as for left front, reversing all shapings. ARM BANDS Sew up shoulder seams neatlyNext row:- With right side facing, pick up and knit 36 stitchesNext row:- knit 2 together knit to the end of the row.Next row:-Repeat last row 5 more times. (30stitches). V NECK BAND Next row:- With right side facing, starting at the lower edge of the right front.Pick up and knit.23 stitches along straight edge.21 stitches along V neck19 stitches along back neck.21 stitches along V neck ( left side)23 stitches along straight edgeYou should now have 107 stitches on your needle. Next row:-Knit 2 rows garter stitch-Next row:- Knit to the last 24 stitches, Knit 2 together, yarn forward knit 8 knit 2 together yarn forward, knit 8 knit 2 together, yarn forward, knit 2.Next row:- Knit 2 rows garter stitchNext row:- Cast off fairly looselyTo make up :--- Sew up side seams neatly. Sew on 3 small buttons. |