Rugby Union Scores & Fixtures
Gallagher English Premiership
- Northampton Saints 0, Newcastle Falcons 0 at full timeNorthampton SaintsNewcastle Falconsundefined
Top 14
Premiership Women's Rugby
- Bristol Bears Women 22, Sale Sharks Women 12 at full time, Bristol Bears Women win 22 - 12Bristol Bears WomenSale Sharks WomenFull Time
- Harlequins Women 17, Loughborough Lightning 20 at full time, Loughborough Lightning win 20 - 17Harlequins WomenLoughborough LightningFull Time
- Worcester Warriors 10, Exeter Chiefs Women 17 at full time, Exeter Chiefs Women win 17 - 10Worcester WarriorsExeter Chiefs WomenFull Time
All Ireland League Division 1A
- Clontarf versus Terenure College, CancelledClontarfTerenure Collegeundefined
- Cork Constitution versus Ballynahinch, CancelledCork ConstitutionBallynahinchundefined
- Dublin University versus Lansdowne, CancelledDublin UniversityLansdowneundefined
- Garryowen versus Young Munster, CancelledGarryowenYoung Munsterundefined
- UCD versus UCC, CancelledUCDUCCundefined
All Ireland League Division 1B
- City of Armagh versus Shannon, CancelledCity of ArmaghShannonundefined
- Highfield versus Old Belvedere, CancelledHighfieldOld Belvedereundefined
- Naas versus Banbridge, CancelledNaasBanbridgeundefined
- Navan RFC versus Old Wesley, CancelledNavan RFCOld Wesleyundefined
- St Mary's College versus Malone, CancelledSt Mary's CollegeMaloneundefined
All times are UK and subject to change. 成人快手 is not responsible for any changes.