Curious, unexpected and superbly quirky documentaries, introduced by Seren Jones.
Radio 4,路17 episodes
Curious, unexpected and superbly quirky documentaries. Introduced by Seren Jones.
25 Mar 2019,路1 min
The story of phone phreaking and how teenagers hacked the US phone system.
25 Mar 2019,路28 mins
Ian Marchant travels Britain's least-used, semi-secret trains.
Prof Chris Riley argues that we need to act now to preserve the moon for all mankind.
26 Mar 2019,路28 mins
Gravediggers exist in popular imagination as a ghoulish breed. But what is the reality?
Meet the people who think drilling a hole in the head has certain health benefits.
Stephen Smith dips his toe in the waters of this great national institution.
26 Mar 2019,路30 mins
The story of a book of hippy philosophy that defined the 1960s.
26 Mar 2019,路29 mins
Quentin Letts examines the British love affair with lawns.
27 Mar 2019,路28 mins
Simon Armitage explores the creative possibilities opened up by Oblique Strategies cards.
27 Mar 2019,路30 mins
Will Self explores the appeal of the shopping centre.
27 Mar 2019,路58 mins
Geoff Watts explores the science of hallucination.
Ian Marchant traces the story of how barbed wire privatised America.
The story of the Spanish toddler chosen by the Dalai Lama as a reincarnated Tibetan lama.
Writer Ken Hollings examines an artistic device called the 'cut-up'.
Jolyon Jenkins meets the men trying to build free energy machines in their garages.
28 Mar 2019,路28 mins
Adam Rutherford talks to scientists who have left the lab for Hollywood.
29 Mar 2019,路30 mins