A history and explanation of classical music to help listeners appreciate its nuances
World Service,路31 episodes
How varying a melody can be used to produce new musical compositions
09 Jan 1996,路12 mins
How we define the use of the word classical in music
09 Jan 1996,路13 mins
How to approach Beethoven's 8th Symphony
23 Jan 1996,路13 mins
How Bach managed to improve and refine existing pieces of music
How Igor Stravisky's Octet was inspired by a dream he had
07 Feb 1996,路13 mins
How to appreciate the romantic theme of Dvorak`s Cello Concerto
08 Feb 1996,路13 mins
How the tone is set in classical music
29 Jul 1998,路13 mins
The concerto, which features a solo instrument and an orchestra
04 Aug 1998,路13 mins
How a symphony can be used to tell a story
11 Aug 1998,路13 mins
Why Beethoven's Piano Concerto No 4 is a unique piece of work
19 Aug 1998,路13 mins
The life and work of Czech composer Leos Janacek, whose music had a truly unique sound
25 Aug 1998,路13 mins
A look at three pieces of music that are always played on the last night of The Proms
14 Sep 1998,路13 mins
An examination of the difference between hearing and listening
18 Jul 2000,路23 mins
How music is used to celebrate Easter in the Orthodox Christian Church
17 Jul 2001,路23 mins
The work of Richard Strauss and the first aired recording of his Four Last Songs
17 Jul 2001,路28 mins
A discussion of whether it is possible to categorise or 'classify' music
19 Jul 2001,路24 mins
How the countryside and the rural ideal has inspired composers
27 Jul 2001,路28 mins
Debussy was considered to be the sound of French impressionism
10 Aug 2001,路27 mins
How the play Pelleas and Melisande inspired several composers
17 Aug 2001,路28 mins
How Tchaikovsky's Souvenir de Florence exemplifies instrumental minimalism
18 Aug 2001,路28 mins
Two examples of masterpieces on a synthonic scale
28 Aug 2001,路24 mins
The influence of oriental culture on classical music
01 Jan 2002,路26 mins
An examination of Brahms Concerto No. 2
21 Jul 2002,路23 mins
The use of orchestral string instruments is explored
26 Jul 2002,路26 mins
An attempt to describe Gustav Mahler's Eighth Symphony
02 Aug 2002,路26 mins
The life and work of the French composer Maurice Ravel
12 Aug 2002,路23 mins
Why composer Gioachino Antonio Rossini decided to retire at the age of 37
19 Aug 2002,路26 mins
How the concerto helps to bring out the inner rock star of soloist musicians
23 Aug 2002,路26 mins
Presenter Mark Lowther guides us through some of the music at this year's Proms
09 Aug 2004,路26 mins
Mark Lowther discusses two pieces performed at the 2005 Proms
28 Jul 2005,路26 mins