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Sporting Heroes

Debbie Brennan

Shropshire Heroine Comes 成人快手

A medal winning Shropshire heroine talks to us about her experiences at the Athens Paralympic games and her hopes.

"For me, the highlight of the games was having that medal put around my neck," says Debbie who won a bronze in the 100m and a silver in the 200m, "the Paralympics are all about the medals."

Despite winning the silver and bronze, Debbie says that there's still room for improvement. "It wasn't a bad games for me. Chelsea Clark, the Canadian athlete, got one of my world records, but I'll get that back next year!"

Indeed, the Cerebal Palsy World Games are in 2005 and Debbie is already looking ahead. "I'll be competing there over 5 distances, so I'm hoping to do well."

For now Debbie is hoping to relax: "I'm having a month off and I'm going on holiday with my boyfriend, and then it's back to training."

Training that Debbie hopes will keep her in the British squad for the potential 2012 games in London. "If we got the bid, it would be fantastic. We have our history over here, Britain is where the Paralympics began, in Stoke Mandeville. I think we have a realistic chance of the games coming to London."

Debbie is enjoying the attention that Paralympic success brings, but is still aware of the importance of encouraging future wheelchair athletes.

"A lot of kids think 'I wish I was like Mark Lewis Francis or Kelly Sotherton.' I know that there are a lot of wheelchair athletes out there who think 'I wish I was like Debbie Brennan.' I'd say to them you can be, you've just got to find it."

So after a busy couple of months, what next for Debbie? Well, she's off to see the queen...again!

"I've been to the palace before, four years ago after the Sydney Games. The Queen is really brilliant. The week before I go there, I'm going on an open top bus parade with the Para and Olympic squads through London. It should be great."

An incredible end to an incredible summer for Debbie Brennan. For her the Beijing Paralympics can't come soon enough.

last updated: 14/04/05
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