Posted: Tuesday, 01 April 2008 |
April fool?
carol from sitting by the fire
April Fool? Carol. As if !!!!
Squidgy the Otter from No Fuel like an old one
carol from getting ready to walk the dug
Twotterly marvellous Squidgy, nearly as good as the one on Radio Orkney this morning (which someone here actually believed...*sigh*).
Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin
tell me about it,fc please!
carol from wants to know
Squidgy, April Fool or not, someone had a lovely RC model and a lot of fun - just as you had a lot of fun charming us with another super-duper blogg. Your avatar is super, reminds me of BOAC logo - anyone remeber that? Dates me a bit, sorry Squidgy, but truth will out. Don't worry there are lots of younger trout in the sea (but not in the air).
Barney from Swithiod loves Otter pilots
I must say there are some very suspicious people on our island blogging right now. Why would anyone think that this is an April Fool?? Anyway, its past 12 noon now, so anyone who plays an April Fool after that time is considered to be a fool. Crikey, what time did I post this blog, Phew, before 12, right, I'm not a fool then am I? mmmm, no please don't answer that, please don't pick on sweet little Squidgy.
Squidgy the Otter from Its past mid-day!
squidgy the flying otter, I am organising a visit to colonsay for one of the 5 crofts, if Im not sucsesfull, I will need your air service to visit colll. I trust you can accommodate my request and that this isnt an aprils fool, is it? no loop de loops or tail spins please. got a dodgy tum.
malcolm macfarlane from perth
This morning at 1.30am I was awakened by something moving in the garden. I rushed out in my wee willie winkie nightgown and there was a hedgehog, the first of the season, Coll hedgehogs are a lovely colour of red. I hope he doesn't eat my frogspawn or else I will have to go to visit Flying Cat in Orkney for some. On to other things now, The Oban Times rang and may feature our story of the message in a bottle, all the way from an Argentinian Frigate. Barney, you may know her, she is ARA Libertad, a tall ship from the Argentinian Navy. The message was written both in Spanish and English and was in a beautiful scroll, tied up with string and had not been touched with sea water. So as you can see its all go at the Squidgery. Malcolm Macfarlane from Perth, I must now confess, Barney has once again got me bang to rights, (How do you spot a Phoney so well Barney? ) it was a radio controlled model, but we do have a pilot in the family with a PPL (Private Pilot's Licence). So, folks, just a bit of fun like the "Fat Cream" on GMTV, the Flying Penguins and the Stretched French President. Over and out. Have a nice day all. xxx
Squidgy the otter from Flying high
Today, I received an email from Ivan who sent the message in a bottle. How fabulous is that? He threw the bottle out about 1000 km from where it was found on Coll, I wonder where that is. Anyway, this is his message. BLESS !! ......Hi, how are you? I'm very happy and surprised that you had found the message that i through to the sea. I told you that the message was through around 1000 km. of the place where they found. I'm from Posadas, Misiones, Argentina; here, I send you a link where you can see something about my city. I travel to Ireland in a ship of the rgentine Navy . I have 20 years old, and I'm studying economics at the college. It was a nice to meet you, and hope that carry on in contact.Bye, bye. Good luck. Ivan
Squidgy the Otter from not an April Fool !!
Aaargh! What I feard all along, COMPETITION. And from a younger man with a bigger one than me!! However, I am closer than he to the subject of our dreams (nearly wrote "object", a crime against geneder correctness). In spite of it all I have to admit that a bottled romance is rather a corker.
Barney from Swithiod not beaten yet!
Misspent youth, Squidgy!
Barney from Swithiod it takes a phoney to spot a phoney
Wow! Twenty years old Squidgy??? And in teh Navy?? Now you're cookin' with gas!
Flying Cat from happy very woman make old could he an
All I can say is that there are some very cheeky island bloggers at the moment who are rather brave at the double entedres (is that how you spell it?) but you know what I mean- the CARRY ON type humour, double meanings. FC, less of the old, but even a spring chicken like me, on SATONAGEN vitamin tablets could not cope with, no lets not go there, and Barney, I trust you are talking about boats here and not coxwains. Oh I can see that I am easily drawn into SMUT, I'm like putty in your hands.
Squidgy the Otter from Just unscrambled FC's location
Bboats, dear Squidgey, boats. What else could I have ment? Although to call a barque or a ship a boat is technically just not on. I certainly hope you are not just like putty....
Barney from Swithiod sailing backwards to Christmas
There, that proves it. He's barqueing!
Flying Cat from Sloop John B