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16 October 2014

Stromness Dragon

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Feline orthodontics

Those of a sensitive nature read no further! My poor old cat Jess was at the vet yesterday for the 'mental dental', ie full anthaesthetic, complete mouth and teeth clean and, in Jess's case, the removal of SIX teeth! Ouch.

She's quite old (15 at least) so it's always a risk having an anaesthetic, but she came through OK. We had a dirty protest on the way to Kirkwall (actually, we'd got as far as the North End garage before she made her feelings clear) so we drove with the windows wide open!

She now has that sort of sooked-in look that folk get when they get their teeth out, a bit sunken in the cheeks. This has in no way diminished her appetite, and the vet gave me a chart to show me which teeth had been taken out and which remained - yes, she does have some left, but she has to lay off the everlasting gobstoppers for a while.

OH, by the way, husband is working in Shetland at the moment, with the squad who are propping up the wall at Fort Charlotte, so pop by and say hello if you get a chance!

Posted on Stromness Dragon at 10:18


I had no idea the wall at Fort Charlotte was in danger of falling down. This is dreadful news! It might flatten...er...*thinks*...the chippy?

Flying Cat from feeling rousse

I used to work at a vets and saw lots of feline dentals. If you want to, you can get them a special food which will help with teeth and keeping them clean, although at 15 a grand old cat like that is probably rather set in her ways :o)

H from Down south for a few days

We find daily doses of crunchy stuff, with the odd bird or rodent thrown in, keeps our teeth just fine. The odd half-chewed chop bone doesn't go amiss either..

Flying Cat from dribblingalloverthejoint

Thanks for advice, H and FC! We do give her crunchy/teeth cleany stuff but I think she is long past the point of eating prey. I love my moggies but I draw the line at catching birds and mice for them! If you see a dribbly old tortoiseshell with huge green eyes tottering about, give her a cuddle.

Stromness Dragon from The food research laboratory

Thank heavens that my hounds survive on dry dog food (plus tidbits) and never had to see the dentist (I do the odd bit of dental scraping when a bout of madness hits). # Anyway, SD, don't tell me you are looking at replacement implants?!!

mjc from NM,USA

How old can a cat go before needing organ transplants, glasses and a set of false teeth? # I must admit to being hard-hearted vis-a-vis quadrupeds. Faithful Fido (unless he has managed to save an innocent from the gallows, or some such) is, ultimately, just a dog (not quite as low as a hybrid rooster, perhaps). When do you say vaya con dios, if not a blunter: auf wiedersehen, to a dog (or a cat)? What do y'all think? Cats and dogs as family? You have got to be kidding?!

mjc from NM,USA

Give Jess a big hug from me. She'll be fine in a little while. My parents had a really old cat (not sure how old) who had to have all his teeth removed. It perked him up no end, as they'd obviously been bothering him, and he managed fine afterwards with cat food, cat biscuits etc. He just gummed everything!

Jill from EK

Parental units have a wee greet over either having to dispatch elderly/ill cats or bury roadkill ditto, but we seemingly aren't 'family'. I think me and m'Marmalade Chum are going to have words about this. I'm told babybipeds take precedence. Well, really!

Flying Cat from The Peckin Order

I've had cats all my life, and I definitely count them as family! They are better company than many humans. Cats rule! If the cat is on a chair, you must simply find somewhere else to sit. Thanks for the hug for Jess, Jill! She is very perky today, has had two square meals and a saucer of cat milk, and has been outside for a short perambulation. As regards 'the end', I have always gone with my gut feeling and the vet's advice, however hard it might be. Gulp. Don't want to think about that any more!

Stromness Dragon from The patient's bedside

don't you believe them FC, we always come first and even junior staff knows where his place is on the totem pole, underneath supporting me!

mia from purrondering at the pc

when you say propping up the fort, do you mean in a drunken layabout sense? I did see a lot of unsavoury characters, could that have been him?

scallowawife from walking quickly past the fort...

FC you are family dear friend, as i told your fpu a live CAT actually jumped down from a tree here in "chinatown"district--no joke photo on the way to prove it,his/her favourite song must be "i will survive"

carol from just saw a live cat in singapore

Nothing arrived yet Carol... SD, even as a cat in a house of cat-lovers, I cannot agree cats are better company than some humans. Other humans are better company than some, depending on individual preference, but we can't speak like what you can. And I need help with the typing too. Yes I know it's hard to believe, but there it is!

Flying Cat from in the gremlins

Scallowawife, I shall tell him that he has been spotted, and must now put away his can of lager and get on with some work. Disgraceful! And there he was telling me he was on an archaeology wathcing brief. Tsk.

Stromness Dragon from here not there

This gets worse by the moment! I thought he was holding the wall up, but scallowawife implies that it was holding him up and now Mrs Dragon says he's watching briefs...whatever next?

Flying Cat from boxer uprising

"carol from just saw a live cat in singapore." Gone in the blink of an eye and a swallow, I should hope. Efficiency in all things, that's Singapore's motto. # Carol, is it true that you and Pascal are doing the Maori war dance right after the ceremony, to decide the pecking order for the next year? Send pictures, por favor.

mjc from NM,USA

If you're suggesting what I think you're suggesting, and I can't even bring myself to put it in writing, me 'n' Marmers are Not Amused!

Flying Cat from a hard stare

amuse-gueule, I say. Forget molecular gastronomy.

mjc from NM,USA

Carol left four cats and a dog behind. Hopefully they won't need surgery while she is out gallivanting in NZ. When, by the way, are those bells supposed to toll?

mjc from NM,USA

What? Eh? Fit? I am completely lost, dear hearts, so I shall assume an attitude of blissful ignorance about it all.

Stromness Dragon from land of confusion

Mjc, only for thee? You're confused SD? What hope is there for the rest of us... These things happen in the best-regulated blogs. I see it started with poor old kitty applying for false teeth...Please give my best regards to Jess - maybe the parental units will meet her some day. Fpu once had a dirty protest on that very long bit of road in Holm. She had to stop and clear up into the ditch newspaper, Marigolds, wipes...then mislaid the carkeys...nearly another ...no, won't go there.

Flying Cat from sal volatile in paw

MJC:left 5 cats and dog behind and ive sending through snaps via fc but nothing is going through i'm getting some e-mails through computer on internet cafe but nothing is going through from my laptop,so will try to transfer snaps on to disc and try to send his lordship arrrives soon thank god 'cause i am suffering from homesickness something real bad,could be something to do with facr that the above idiot fell into his swimming pool on friday whilst giver workman orders--hic---pool was empty hes got bad bruising but nothing broken xcept my heart--spent the day crying,bye for now;;

carol from in auckland

Well, to look on the bright side Carol, you probably solved the empty pool problem with all those tears! Next time he falls in, he will float on warm salty water...

Flying Cat from positively yours

I am glad Pascal is alright. Keep a close eye on him, Carol. Some folks would do anything to avoid matrimony: last minute jitters can send one flying into empty swimming pools repeatedly, or worse. Get a good strong rope, and tie him to you: better still, truss him up and leave him in the clothes closet for the duration.

mjc from NM,USA

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