The dog
Posted: Friday, 20 June 2008 |
Well done to you and Shadow! My in-laws have a border terrier called Ollie and he is a real character - they have brilliant faces, don't they? Very smiley. Almost as cute as a C.A.T......
Stromness Dragon from Applauding
Well done--you're dog is lovely and you're a handsome wee man
carol from in the sun
Hearty Congratulations!! A BEAU-TI-FUL dog, as even cat lovers would admit. NIce prizes. And you handled the dog yourself!! Congrats. again!!
mjc from NM,USA
How old is the dog? A great specimen, it seems. How old? 3? Does he work for his grub?
mjc from NM,USA
maybe you can give me some tips on how to train oor wullie?
carol from out of the sun
Congratulations to Ellis and Shadow - all the practise paid off!!
Eleanor Walterson from Happyhansel Primary, Walls
Goodonyerlad, Just remember all they need is tucker and a stroke to say well done and remember they do have a brain and a memory bank.Regards
roy from Sofala.Oz
Shadow is a beauty, what a great face and a lovely colour too. Congratulations on your success. Next step Cruft's?
Jill from EK
Was the prize for happiest face for you or for Shadow? Well done both of you.
FSB Fan from Waiting for Crufts!
FSB Fan: good question. I think both faces deserve prizes.
mjc from NM,USA
FSB: Every pupil in this school has a happy face.
FetlarSchool from Fetlar
We know that (that all your pupils have a happy face, are diligent, charming and, above average) already. The question: should the other two pupils get a dog apiece, or do they have dogs already. # It crosses my mind that perhaps Fetlar beaches hold pirates' treasures. Have you checked? Apparently the Flotta gang found some (and have already spent the loot, I fear) on one of their beaches.
mjc from NM,USA