Its Hot
Posted: Tuesday, 13 May 2008 |
have you planted tomatoes yet??
carol from over here
Strawberry canes? A cane with strawberry flavour? What will the authorities come up with next to pander to the younger generation? But of course corporal punishment - with or without strawberry-flavoured canes - is presumably and rightly no longer allowed - question mark.
Bareny from Swithiod smarting
hope its raspberry canes - they grow well....
scallowawife from shetland
Please take some photos of your fruit and vegetables when they grow. We'd love to see them.
Carol from IBHQ
Even after so many years, you can't spell your name right, Anon from Swithiod. Bareny indeed!! The only reason I got caned more often that you did, Barney, is that you were teacher's pet. I assume caning is not allowed at Fetlar, and if they ever were to suspend the students for cause (such as eating berries in the polytunnel without sharing with teacher), there would not be much regular schooling to be done...
mjc from NM,USA
A previous note of mine never saw the light of day. Your filter must be developing a voracious appetite, Carol from IBHQ.
mjc from NM,USA