Working in the Sun
Posted: Thursday, 08 May 2008 |
you kids are really lucky--how are you going to manage when you go to school on the mainland??In our village school the kids don't have laptops,so i better not tell them anymore about you lot!-enjoy the sun!
carol from over here
To be even more productive, ye children of Fetlar, what you need are lounge chairs. As the school administration won't want you to get dehydrated, the authorities should consider providing you some appropriate iced drinks (and snacks: no, not unhealthy chips, but tapas approved by Jamie Oliver).
mjc from NM,USA
Oh you kids have such a life! Enjoy it greatly! And a sagacious comment about laptops. I never thought of that advantage. But don't you find it difficult to see the screen in the strong sunlight?
Barney from Swithiod rooting for Fetlar
Well lads your brain is the ultimate computer, what comes up on the screen allways should be questioned, not taken as a fact. The vegies must be putting on growth in the polly tunnel. Regards
roy from Sofala.Oz
You guys are lucky. We were never allowed to do that at school, always in the classroom except for break time and PE.
Carol from IBHQ
When I was schoolmastering in Istanbul back in the Stone Age, along cam the Spring and I decided that the boys should have a practical biologiy lesson. So I sent them into the gardens to find interesting things. The first one came back with a 6-inch long centipede, the second came with a 4 inch long scorpion. Both had torn out very small pieces from their copybooks as "protection" between their fingers and the beasts. You can imagine how quickly that excercise got cancelled. PS. No scorpions on Fetlar, i supose?
Barney from Swithiod talkin' turkey
Not even the human kind. 'Tis the Garden of Eden of Shetland...
Flying Cat from moggygon misty-eyed
Shetland's Garden of Eden, eh? A rattler was it, FC?
mjc from NM,USA