Timetable Reaches Cars that Other Timetables Can't Reach
Posted: Thursday, 03 May 2007 |
Methinks that car, like the Fetlar Unst ferry time table, has got something wrong with it. The steering wheel is on the wrong side ... (eh?!).
mjc from NM,USA
Where is the driver? With plenty of time on hand, the driver is out looking for the one ultimately responsible for the error on the Unst Fetlar timetable. The next thing you know, the teacher will be following in Backie's rapidly fading footsteps.
mjc from NM,USA
Fetlar Timetable is 100% accurate mjc. Only the Unst one is wrong.
FetlarSchool from Fetlar
Correction noted. # Hope it is clear that my comments were all in jest.
mjc from NM,USA