What a To Do
Posted: Thursday, 02 November 2006 |
We can put up with no electricity, the wind howling and the rain falling but loss of the heavenly internet throws Mr Barebraes into a turmoil. On Monday afternoon we were unable to get connected to the Internet, Shock Horror no email no browsing no online Backgammon. Are we really cut off from society!!!!
A call to BT only added to the frustration as the person in the call centre was obviously reading from a script and asking stupid questions
Call Centre in India ' Have you turned off your Router Sir?'
Mr Barebraes 'Yes I have made various investigations and all I need to know is when the service is to be repaired'
Call Centre ' I cannot tell you that sir until I have followed proceedure'
Mr Barebraes ' At 50 p per minute surely you can look at your database and tell that there is a problem with the exchange and not my pc , the fact that a number of our neighbours are having the same problem would suggest the problem lies with the exchange. All I want to know is when it will be resolved'
Call Centre ' I have to follow proceedure Sir'
Mr Barebraes ' Would it be possible to speak to a manager'
Call Centre ' You need to ring this number Sir ' Proceeded in giving Mr B a number, on examining it realised it was a number we had already tried and got an automated service, No help at all !!!!
After several phone calls and lots of Cups of Coffee we made our own deductions that the Balfour exchange had a problem and we would have to sit it out until it returned.
Today (Thursday) It returned as if by magic and Mr B is now happy.
Why is life made so difficult by making services more complicated?
The Shapinsay Smoke signals work better than any internet anyway.
Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 15:17
Have a good weekend. Want any tips on smoke signals from the land of the Apaches, Navajos, Hopis, Pueblos etc?!
mjc from NM,USA
mjc, I'm awfully afraid smoke signals may fall foul of Wee Jeck's No Puffin Bill.
Flying Cat from prowling in the policies
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