still it snows, still Shetland schools are shut...
Posted: Monday, 06 March 2006 |
or even blog yourself to death week? Still it's good to know that there is still life out there.
damadcoo from Unst
You could try I Spy Week. I'll start you off. I spy with my little eye something beginning with...... S..
Annie B from Lone Sheiling
Beginning with S? Mmmm! Could it be silage bags? I can see those.
Herman from Orkney
how aboot the 'tidy the inaccessable cupboards' week? (Ok, that maks me soond a bit too good. I only have one inaccessable cupboard & it took me less than an hour to clean it.)
Ruthodanort from Unst
How about empty all the cupboards of food week?
Herman from Orkney
Nooooooo. Not silage bags. That would be S B.
Annie B from Lone Sheiling
scallowawife from shetland
Well, just got two inches of snow in Albuquerque that came over with a storm over the western continental divide last night. The land is so parched that, with the sun already out and the sky blue, it will be gone by tomorrow. There won't be any running water in the arroyos. You don't want to be on the Western Continental Divide when a storm comes through: deadly driving conditions.
mjc from NM,USA
Me and my friend have been off for an age and canna wait tae get back peerielass + leanne
peerielass from sumburgh,shetland