14th January 2002
Dear Colleague
In Year Performance 2001/02
I refer to my previous letter dated 31 October 2001 regarding the Regions aggregate in year performance. As I made clear in that letter it was necessary for us to achieve both the key access targets and financial balance. Last week you submitted your latest financial outturn projections, which has resulted in the overall regional position having deteriorated even further, to an estimated year end overspend of circa £60m, this is before the application of some further centrally agreed in year brokerage. I enclose a schedule summarising the position by organisation. This position is totally unacceptable and requires immediate action by you to bring the financial position back into balance. As a consequence of this deterioration, I have been asked to submit a detailed report to Nigel Crisp by Friday this week quantifying the action we will be taking over the remaining weeks of this financial year to achieve financial balance. I therefore require a response from each organisation whether in deficit or not (HA, Trust and PCT) on the actions you propose to take using the attached proforma to be returned to my office [email address] and copied to Michael Munt [email address] by midday on Wednesday 16th. Given the time available I have asked for individual organisational returns but Health systems will need to ensure there is a co-ordinated approach. I expect responses from organisations in a breakeven / surplus position to offer further improvement in their positions.
In formulating options you will need to ensure that the following key access targets are achieved:
- No over fifteen month waiters by 31 March 2002
- No over twenty six week outpatient waiters by 31 March 2002
- No twelve hour trolley waits, and
- Seventy five percent achievement of category "A" ambulance response time
Proposals need to be capable of being actioned to deliver savings before the 31st March. I do not want reasons as to why savings cannot be achieved but proposals on what could be actioned. I recognise that this will mean reductions in areas that do not contribute to national imperatives and I shall be examining your proposals with this in mind.
Outside of the above list NO options should be discounted and indeed you should revisit all revenue and capital spending plans for the remainder of the year.
I cannot over emphasise the seriousness of our financial position and the impact this has at a national level. Collectively we have to find solutions in a very short time frame and I need all your commitment to delivering this.
Yours sincerely
Ruth Carnall
Chief Executive
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