
Policies :

The policies that group members felt were the most important for the party to address were (in order) Taxation, the Health service, education and Law and order. This view came from a group that mostly described themselves as neither from the modernising wing of the party of from the element that calls itself traditionalists.

Interestingly no one mentioned the Euro and Europe and indeed praised the Party on learning to keep quiet about it.

The over-riding concern of most in the group was the issue of taxation. Yet in this respect they may be somewhat ahead of most voters, as the higher taxes in last years budget have yet to take effect, and at present many will not be fully aware of just how much local taxes will rise.

Most felt that the Conservative party could sell the idea that they would be able to deliver lower taxes and improve public services at the same time. Again they are at least ahead of the public on this score, as many ordinary voters will say they do not want to give more in tax, but want existing taxes spent better. Secondly, few ordinary people can square up the argument that they can have more/better public services and spend less on them to boot.
