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Richard Daniel chairs the interactive environmental programme in which he and his guests deal with listeners' questions and concerns. Call 0370 010 0400 home.planet@bbc.co.uk 成人快手 Planet, PO Box 3096, Brighton BN1 1PL |
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 |  | PRESENTER |  |  | |
 |  |  |  |  | "成人快手 Planet, the programme that tackles your queries about the world we inhabit and our interaction with it. From astronomy to geology, biology to environmental science. You set the agenda and our panel of scientists and conservationists come up with the answers."
Richard Daniel |  |  |  | |
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Professor Philip Stott
Recording at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust - Slimbridge. Wed 10th September at 5:00pm
We will be recording a special edition of the programme at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust centre at Slimbridge in Gloucestershire. If you want to come along and pose a question for the panel then please do email, phone the helpline or write to us, contact details are below. If you just want to come and meet the panel and be part of the audience then you will be more than welcome. Just come to the centre for 5:00pm.
Head lice search
We are asking for your help in tracking the spread of head lice in the UK, how they are treated and how different organisations deal with outbreaks. If you have any recent experience of head lice please do let us know at home.planet@bbc.co.uk.
This week's programme
Are we going to run out of phosphates for fertiliser?
Phosphate is an essential fertiliser and the majority of it comes from mined phosphate rocks. There are concerns that supplies are limited and a listener wanted to know the current situation on those supplies.
: A news report from the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation saying that fertiliser supply should outstrip demand.
: A comprehensive source of data on phosphate rock from the United States Geological Survey.
: A description of phosphate rock from the South Australian government.
: UN data on the amount of phosphate and nitrogenous fertiliser produced by country. This is a complex table and will need a little working through to extract the information.
What research has been done into the phosphate induced process of eutrophication in inshore waters?
Phosphates used in detergents can act alongside nitrates in the water supply to cause a major problem caused eutrophication in rivers and seas.
A description of and the problems it can cause.
Information on from the EU.
What are and what are they used for.
Information on from the Environment Agency.
Are the chemicals used to tanalise wood harmful to health?
Comprehensive list of articles and information about the made component of tanalised wood, .
A brief description of the .
Information on the (.pdf).
Information on .
What are the prospects for microhydro power in the UK?
Information on from the low carbon buildings scheme.
Information on from the energy saving trust.
Information on from the University of Nottingham.
The .
Where do all the snails in my garden come from?
Basic information on the .
成人快手 information.
An introduction to some .
Another view on .
Contact 成人快手 Planet
Send your comments and questions for future programmes to:
成人快手 Planet 成人快手 Radio 4 PO Box 3096 Brighton BN1 1PL
Or email the programme: home.planet@bbc.co.uk
Or telephone the Audience Line 03700 100 400
成人快手 Planet is a Pier Production and is produced by Toby Murcott.
The personal information you provide will be held by the 成人快手 and by Pier Productions Ltd, the independent production company which makes 成人快手 Planet. Your information will be used for the purpose of creating the 成人快手 Planet programme, and will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. For more details on how the 成人快手 deals with your information, please see the 成人快手鈥檚 at
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