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Richard Daniel chairs the interactive environmental programme in which he and his guests deal with listeners' questions and concerns. Call 0370 010 0400 home.planet@bbc.co.uk 成人快手 Planet, PO Box 3096, Brighton BN1 1PL |
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 |  | PRESENTER |  |  | |
 |  |  |  |  | "成人快手 Planet, the programme that tackles your queries about the world we inhabit and our interaction with it. From astronomy to geology, biology to environmental science. You set the agenda and our panel of scientists and conservationists come up with the answers."
Richard Daniel |  |  |  | |
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This week's guests:
Professor Philip Stott (essays)
Richard Jones
Ehsan Masood
What could have caused a bee to be disorientated and unable to fly?
A listener found a honey bee in her garden unable to fly and disorientated. She wanted to know what could have caused this and whether it might be related to colony collapse disorder.
Two short articles on colony collapse disorder with links to further information.
(Mid-Atlantic Apiculture)
(Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services)
An article describing from the British Bee-Keeper's Association.
Research suggesting that some honey bees become intoxicated by alcohol that comes from fermented nectar. A from Ohio State University.
The Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs web page on .
Do Solitary bees sting?
There are around 20 species of bee in the UK, the vast majority of them solitary bees and a listener wanted to know whether they are able to sting.
Identification and information on some of the UK's (Moray Bee-Keepers).
Who stands to gain from GM foods?
The recent food shortages have lead to renewed calls for genetically modified crops to help increase yields. A listener wanted to know whether the claims made for GM crops stand up and who would profit from their use. This is a controversial topic with many different opinions, the links below reflect a few of these opinions.
published by the WHO.
An from 成人快手 Correspondent Jeremy Cooke.
A from the Food Standards Agency.
What happens to a fly when it is swatted by not killed outright. Does it become unconscious in the same way as a human being?
If you swat a fly but do not kill it outright it often remains unconscious for a while and then recovers. What is it about an insects nervous system that does this and is the mechanism similar to unconsciousness in human beings?
A (About.com).
成人快手 Health article on .
Is mathematics truly infallible?
A listener wrote in verse to ask why mathematics is considered the only infallible science.
An article on , a branch of mathematics, to model ways in which human beings might cooperate to avert the problems of global warming.
A large and comprehensive .
An article on the 成人快手 website on .
A description of the from the Meteorological Office's Hadley Centre.
Contact 成人快手 Planet
Send your comments and questions for future programmes to:
成人快手 Planet 成人快手 Radio 4 PO Box 3096 Brighton BN1 1PL
Or email the programme: home.planet@bbc.co.uk
Or telephone the Audience Line 03700 100 400
成人快手 Planet is a Pier Production and is produced by Toby Murcott.
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