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Richard Daniel chairs the interactive environmental programme in which he and his guests deal with listener's questions and concerns. Call 0370 010 0400 home.planet@bbc.co.uk 成人快手 Planet, PO Box 3096, Brighton BN1 1PL |
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 |  |  |  |  | "成人快手 Planet is the environmental programme for which you set the agenda. We tackle your questions and concerns and try and make some sense out of the conflicting opinions which make up the environmental debate."
Richard Daniel |  |  |  | |
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Tree loss in the re-creation of lowland heaths
Ships hitting whales
Deep sea fish
Worms and Wormeries
Energy from Kelp
Domestic power from cycling
Professor Stott's calculations:
Ever optimistic, let's assume a small, highly-efficient, ecohouse requiring our cyclist to produce, on a sunny day, about 2 usable kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy (remember energy is measured in kilowatt hours).
A reasonable cyclist can produce about 260 W (watts) of peak power, although the figure for more continuous cycling is likely to fall to around 150 watts, and this is probably only truly sustainable for some 30 minutes. You therefore would need between 8 to 14 cyclists pedaling furiously for one hour to get anywhere near sustaining even the tiny demands of our ecofriendly house.
A top racing cyclist, a Super-Pedaller, by contrast, with around 150 rpm at crank, could just about produce, in old fashioned terms, 0.6 HP (horsepower), or some 440 watts of peak power. In this case, you would want around 5 'Tour de France'-level cyclists peddling in line with effortless ease for an hour or so, although this does not really allow for friction, energy efficiency loss, or sheer exhaustion!
Contact 成人快手 Planet
Send your comments and questions for future programmes to:
成人快手 Planet 成人快手 Radio 4 PO Box 3096 Brighton BN1 1PL
Or email the programme: home.planet@bbc.co.uk
Or telephone the Audience Line 03700 100 400
成人快手 Planet is produced by Nick Patrick and is a Pier Production for Radio 4.
The personal information you provide will be held by the 成人快手 and by Pier Productions Ltd, the independent production company which makes 成人快手 Planet. Your information will be used for the purpose of creating the 成人快手 Planet programme, and will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. For more details on how the 成人快手 deals with your information, please see the 成人快手鈥檚 at
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