 |  |  |  | PROGRAMME INFO |  |  | |
 |  |  | Richard Daniel chairs the interactive environmental programme in which he and his guests deal with listener's questions and concerns. Call 03700 100 400 home.planet@bbc.co.uk 成人快手 Planet, PO Box 3096, Brighton BN1 1PL |  |  |  |  | LISTEN AGAIN 30 min |  |  | |
 | "成人快手 Planet is the environmental programme for which you set the agenda. We tackle your questions and concerns and try and make some sense out of the conflicting opinions which make up the environmental debate."
Richard Daniel |  |
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Baroness Barbara Young
Chief Executive,
Dr Ros Taylor
Principal Lecturer in Geography and Environmental Science, Kingston University
Bio-geographer, University of London
The Carlisle floods
Paul Simons gave a good description of a "sting jet" in his Weather Eye column for The Times newspaper on January 10th 2005. A précis of that appeared on the
Harnessing the power of rivers
Can the power of the River Avon tumbling over two weirs in the town centre be harnessed and used to power street lights?
Philip Stott showed how the power contained in water may be defined by this formula:
P = H x Q x g x e,
P = power in kW;
H = head of water in m;
Q = flow of water in cubic m;
g = gravitational constant;
e = efficiency factor (normally 0.5).
A similar formula is given by the .
Do redwings fly at night?
Airbus A380
Sunbathing blackbirds
Why do blackbirds appear to sunbathe?
Tarry residue from coal fires
Contact 成人快手 Planet
Send your comments and questions for future programmes to:
成人快手 Planet 成人快手 Radio 4 PO Box 3096 Brighton BN1 1PL
Or email the programme: home.planet@bbc.co.uk
Or telephone the Audience Line 03700 100 400
成人快手 Planet is a Pier Production for 成人快手 Radio 4 and is produced by Nick Patrick.
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