Richard Daniel chairs the interactive environmental programme in which he and his guests deal with listener's questions and concerns.
Call 03700 100 400
成人快手 Planet, PO Box 3096, Brighton BN1 1PL |
"成人快手 Planet is the environmental programme for which you set the agenda. We tackle your questions and concerns and try and make some sense out of the conflicting opinions which make up the environmental debate."
Richard Daniel |
Baroness Barbara Young
Chief executive,
Dr Nick Riley
Programme manager, Sustainable Energy and Geophysical Surveys, British Geological Survey
University of London
Can we build houses for wildlife as well as people?
is one of the main pieces of legislation that protects our wildlife.
(requires Acrobat Reader)
Otherwise contact your local planning authority.
What is the green flash I can sometimes see when the sun sets?
NB: Looking directly at the sun can cause permanent damage to your eyesight.
Why don't British weather forecasts always have information about air quality?
Richard Daniel spoke to Dr Steve Dorling at Weather Quest in Norwich, who explained what causes air pollution, how it is made up of a number of ingredients and how Britain's air is perhaps cleaner than it was 50 years ago.
Weather Quest
The only broadcasts warnings if they are valid. So, air quality information is included in weather forecasts when it is bad. The 成人快手 Weather Centre provides detailed forecasts and other meteorological information.
DEFRA is the government department responsible for air pollution and it is very active in monitoring it and educating people about its effects. It has a leaflet called .
I watched some bees carrying leaves into a plant pot outside a pub. The landlord told me that he had just watered it, were the bees building a shelter?
These bees were leave cutter bees and they were building their nest. They're known as solitary bees.
The earth's hum
Contact 成人快手 Planet
Send your comments and questions for future programmes to:
成人快手 Planet 成人快手 Radio 4 PO Box 3096 Brighton BN1 1PL
Or email the programme: home.planet@bbc.co.uk
Or telephone the Audience Line 03700 100 400
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English Nature
The Wildlife Trusts
Pond Conservation Trust
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers
Bath and North East Somerset council
Community Recycling Network
The Recycling Consortium
Waste Recycling Group Plc
Country Land and Business Association
National Farmer's Union
Guardian Unlimited
English Nature
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